How did you manage periods in your life when you had the least money? #memoirmonday-#21

How do you manage periods in your life when you have the least money? @EricVancewalton. This question keeps ringing in my mind, which made me to sit and reflect on this.

Money answers all things as they say and I tends to believe it because without money you can't achieve some certain things and this limit your capability as a person at that time.

This life is filled with so many uncertainty which one could not fortell when it will happen. At times we have so much income or capital to Carter for most of the pressing issues and settle bills, save and spare for people who really need your help at that moment.
With the current situations around the world and most especially in Nigeria where I live one cannot really predict the next action point due to the demoralized and traumatic nature of the economy at large.
The suitation at hand now has heated me so much and this makes me think all the time,
how to survive without been disturbing or bothering other people for money.

Despite putting all hands on deck in other to strive and succed in this economy, I have reduced the rate at which I spend money most especially on things that are not essential at that moment but there are times I need urgent money to sort out some bills and at that moment I need to reach out to people for help.
Although am not pleased at it but it seems it is the only solution at the moment to secure the urgency.
Althiugh this doesn't occure all the time but when am out of cash I do manage the little resources I have to keep the soul and body moving before thinking of venturing into any project at that moment. This has really been helpful and at least I can safe my sanity.

Note: All pictures are picked from the internet.

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