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Why do we waste our lives on so many empty things? One day we will evaporate out of this world and in a flash all the vain distractions will be seen for what they were.

I hate every wasted second. Nihilism makes every moment pointless, but I'm no nihilistic monster. There is a purpose to every minute, even the ones spent in the mundane. Sitting in waiting rooms has a purpose. Even toilet trips make a difference to our future, however minute it may seem. One wasted moment corrupts the rest.

Sure, there is a time to rest and recreate. But we should balance that time with creativity and wisdom seeking. For some, recreation and creativity are one in the same. For others learning is a pleasure. Rest can take many forms, our minds are still functioning every second after all. Why not use rest to learn?

I can't help but wonder how much my life would be different if I took my own advice. If I grabbed every moment and didn't spend so many in sloth and slovenly pursuits, how would I feel right now? Would I be happy? Or would I still feel an empty hole like I do? What vanity have I chased? At the end of my life what will I regret seeking? What will I regret not seeking?

Hate to end a week on such a downer, but that's been my week...





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