A hidden portal can be found in unexpected sights

One of the things I enjoy about delivering is the constant change of scenery. There's no way of predicting where I'll be throughout the day.

This helps fight of the monotony of constantly working. Yet even with the constantly changing locations, it's still possible to get sucked into the stress that comes with the job.

It's quite easy to slip, and find that I've allowed my attitude to dampen.

I could write several blogs on the stresses and challenges that come from delivering, but I see no use in sharing the distasteful.

I'd rather share the sights that have helped me maintain good spirits.

Over the years I've created the habit of capturing the unexpected sights, that allowed me to take my mind off the stressors of the day.

Looking back the habit was created from a wanting to share with others. I would encounter something interesting, and want to share it. Hoping to transfer whatever feeling it brought me.

Yet over the years, it's became a habitual. Many of the sights I've captured, were taken with someone else in mind.

Yet the overall benefits of this habit were solely mine to enjoy. Though having someone present to enjoy them with me is always a blessing.

I admit that sometimes I have to be intentional about taking a step back, and enjoying my surroundings. Yet it's become a portal for me to access, whenever I need to step away and reevaluate.

The only thing better then discovering something that makes you smile. Is being able to take a picture of it, and share it with someone. Who's smile you enjoy. Thanks for sharing with me. God bless.

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