Finding The Light In A Sea Of Darkness



Sometimes it can be hard in this trying life of ours to find the light in the shadowy sea of darkness that surrounds us. We can feel lost or inadequate and ready to give up on the joy and happiness of life. In times like these where you feel all is lost, you must ask yourself how can I find happiness again?

Are there any changes I can make or want to make to experience that joy again? Who will be there for me somebody...nobody...anybody? We all go through different things in the stages of our lives from the highest highs to the lowest lows and at times when going through those lows it may feel like we could never experience those highs again.

It is at that point that you need to seek out light as little as it maybe you need to find it and hold on to it with everything you got. There is always somebody out there who cares about you, maybe you haven't found them yet or maybe you're trying to push them away further because you feel you don't deserve them.

Do not let the darkness swallow you and snuff out your light as tough as it may be at times you need to keep on striving and keep on fighting for that happiness again. Falling victim to the grasps of depression and darkness in our time of need is an easy thing to do. Especially if you feel forgotten about and don't have anyone to open up to you can spiral down into the deepest depths of that dark ocean.



Always remember to keep on fighting keep on looking for that light as small as it may be it is looking for you to you just need to find it.

“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” - Amanda Gorman

Sometimes we have to be light ourselves and other times we need somebody to bring the light to us, but just know there is always a light waiting to be found.



Community is key having a platform like hive where many of us can connect and share our stories with the community can help in unimaginable ways. I was struggling a few months back going through a huge pit of depression and feeling lost with no purpose in this world. I have made decisions that have held me back from accomplishing a lot of goals and made excuses for a lot of things because I was ready to give up.

Since finding out about this place as well as the beloved Splinterlands community I have found that light again and it is shining as bright as a star now. I wake up each and every day excited to connect with the people I have made relationships with here and look forward to forging amazing friendships with all of them. I was pushing out a bunch of people in my real life nobody was listening and nobody took the time to ask how I was it was very difficult and almost pushed me to the edge of the cliff. But then I found that light that glimmer of hope that maybe happiness could come back into my life.

Now 4 months into my streaming and blogging journey I couldn't be happier. Of course, I still need to improve things in my personal life but at least now I have that passion again that burning desire to live and experience all that life has to offer.

So I say to you find that light look for it far and wide and when you find it don't stop running until you reach it.

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
― Helen Keller

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I love and appreciate you all and a big shoutout to @luthien12 with whom I had a very touching conversation earlier inspiring me to write this post today. I hope if your going through a tough time or finding it hard to see that light that this small post could help you in any way. You are an amazing individual and you deserve happiness so don't stop trying to find it.

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