RE: Peace, Sunflowers and Kindergarten

Oh, time! I suffer from lack of it too, although I don't do much, I don't even go to work anymore. But I've chosen to be a servant in this life... I try to serve, help and make those around me feel good, Magda, son, granddaughter, friends, and other relatives. It always happens that someone needs me.
Of course, I also receive from them... appreciation, affection, and esteem. But generally, the servant doesn't have much time for himself!

I can't post from my phone either and, like you, I don't even try.

For different reasons, we both make quite an effort to be active in Hive. You, who take so much time to reply and comment. Sometimes I read your comments to other colleagues, maybe it's not nice, but because they are visible to everyone I think it's not a crime. It helps to get to know people that way.
I struggle with English, translating, and correcting mistakes. Then editing photos, drafting the story, and sometimes looking for information. It's all time-consuming.

Good thing we can still do it, we're still here. I hope and wish you and me to be here as long as possible. If we take it from close to close then I must wish you another good week!

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