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The Resistance: It Looks Appealing But…


Some days are like that. Thoughts and wishes become the trend of the day. It is kinda crazy sometimes as my mind takes me on a journey of superhero movies I have seen so far and which power I'd like to choose. But that's just it anyway because wishes don't just come true. You've got a lot of work to do!

Therefore, following the Thinkers Corners Prompt for the month by @kenechukwu97, which states;

Assuming you have the resources to get/do everything you want, is there anything that looks appealing which you would rather restrain yourself from having/doing?

If I did have resources to do or get everything I want in life, it'll be a dream come true. It is what I term having to do with super power. I'll be able to travel more, explore the world and whatnot! Life will become more fun, and I won't stop at that. I'll stand as a helping hand for family and friends, but there's a limit to where I'd go with that. Yes, being able to help others looks so appealing to me, especially when I have the resources to do so. However, I would rather not give people all the time. Instead, I'll let them grow.

The truth is that there are times when people need to be sat down and asked what they want no matter how much you'd love to just give them. Death is something I have no control over, so asking questions on what they want to do and how they intend to do it will be nice.

I saw a YouTube short last night while scrolling through to get tunes for #ttt. I got distracted, haha. And I found a short in my distraction phase where a beggar asked for a spare change from someone.

The response given by the person to the beggar would make some people who heard it think the person is stingy or a bully. I mean, when you have the resources in this case(money) to give someone. Then, you have to give them, right? So, what about the next day and the day after? Are you going to continue giving them or ask them what they intend to do and putting your resources to use to them?

Also, I believe there's a limit you can help someone no matter how appealing it may look. Just like someone who you told about the Hive blockchain and how it works because you have it as a resource to give to others. After opening the account for the person, you'd want the person to start straight away. However, they are people who only feel the need to work under someone well rather than create a future path for themselves.

If the person is not serious with it, you'll want to talk to the person and make them see why this is an opportunity. It looks appealing and something right to do. But, there are some people you just need to leave and allow them to see for themselves because the more you push them, the more they grow a resistance not to. Yeah, they surely can see you are doing well on the blockchain, but they don't see why they should do the same. They complain about why they have to read a long post in a community before posting, stating it is stressful even after knowing they need money.

As much as it looks appealing, there should be a full stop to what you do for them even when you truly want the best for them. Allow them to grow and not persuade much. If it is truly in their heart, they won't be told otherwise because they know what they want.

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Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.