The uneven quality of TIME

Hey Everyone ♥️

After being warmly welcomed by @wesphilbin in this community, I have decided to post here regularly with some of the thoughts that I have been willing to share with people who understand and value them. I'll be more than happy if some of the thinkers from this community shower their thoughts on my blog😁


I have this habit of looking/ finding all possible aspects of things happening around me. This also happened when I was trying to observe let's say time. Time has this attribute of being uneven

Sometimes it is favorable, things of our will happen and we make the most of that time. Lets just say we live life to the fullest when this time thing is on our side.

However, this uneven attribute time shows up and the tables turn, The time is no longer how we desire it to be. This, somehow confuses me a lot. This transition sometimes happens in a reverse direction. Sometimes we feel dense alive and full while the other times this fullness seems aberration.


I have experienced all this. People stay around you, accompany you empathize you and all of a sudden all this disappears and you find no one around you.

What I think of it ..

My understanding of all this is different because I think that we need this uneven quality of time in our lives, everyone should experience it and everyone does! This allows you to grow and learn. This bestows you with the necessary experience. The experience you need to tackle with the cruel side of the world is given to you by this TIME thing.

Source. The pictures are mine

Thanks again for showing love and support ♥️😁

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