Baba Vanga & Nostrodamus Predictions for 2022

Baba Vanga & Nostrodamus Predictions for 2022


Six Predictions from Baba Vanga for 2022

Vangelija Gušterova her real name but known worldwide as Baba Vanga, revealed to Lyubchenko these details about our near future, for which we may have preferred they were not shared with us. She has an 85 per cent accuracy rate

Vanga supposedly predicted the death of Princess Diana, Hitler and Stalins inglorious end, the attack on New York’s World Trade Center, the collapse of the USSR, the date of death of the Bulgarian King Boris III., and the date of her own death. There is a tale that Hitler visited her, but left angry.

After the past 2 years, the clear battle between good/evil - tyranny/freedom has me taking a longer look at predictions such as these. Do your own research, but for gods sake at least wake up to the evil of our western govts. For the sake of the worlds children, wakeup.


2022 Future by Blind Baba Vanga

  • China , Russia, Arabs start warfare against Europeans, nukes used many cities gone.
    (eventually resulting in the establishment of a caliphate by 2043 with Vatican Rome at the centre.)
  • 45th President would be faced with a crisis that would ‘bring the country down’.
  • Europe, as we know it, would ‘cease to exist’.
  • The world is expecting a major flooding which will carry a “river of corpses”.
    (caused by asteroids impact, use of Tartarian weapons tech, alien or demonic melting of poles - cause is vague)
  • The Earth’s orbit will change, resulting earthquakes, tectonic shifts, active volcano.
  • High temp and locust swarms in India causes huge famine.


Other predictions that are future dated, but may come to pass much much earlier:
I have selected these due to frequent mentions and current research by transhumanists.
2066: The U.S. uses a new climate-changing weapon on Muslim controlled Rome.
(rumors of this exist in 2021)
2084: Nature is reborn.
(bio tech?)
2088: A new disease (vaccine?) makes you grow old in seconds.
(alt she meant die in seconds)
2123: Wars between small countries. The big countries stay out of it.
(believable if superpowers are worn out or ruined)
2164: Animals turn half-human.
(a transhumanist goal)
2304: Secrets of the Moon are also revealed.
(no hints on what)
2341: Something terrible will approach Earth from Space.
(obvious choice is asteroid)


For comparison, below are 6 quatrains from Nostrodamus said to be describing 2022 events. I've used just a single line to interpret each quatrain, in order for you to interpret them yourselves.

Nostrodamus 2022


In summary I would advise, avod europe or usa at all costs, Australians move to higher ground and stockpile food. And lets hope they are both wrong on this one.

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