Mi Entrenamiento de Front Lever 🔱 [ESP🇪🇦-ENG🇺🇸]



Entrenamiento de Front Lever
Front Lever Training
Saludos, amigos de #hive y #swc, hoy les vengo a compartir mi experiencia de entrenamiento de Front Lever del día de hoy. Hoy tuve un buen descanso, aunque, tuve que hacer una diligencia temprana. Llegué un poco cansado, comí, y, dormí un rato, en lo que se me hizo la hora, me aliste, y me fui a las barras. En lo que llegué a las barras, comencé a estirar mis articulaciones, muñecas, codos, hombros, un poco mi flexibilidad y, realicé algunos burpees. Una vez de haber terminado de estirar y calentar, di comienzo a la rutina de Front Lever del día de hoy.
Greetings, #hive and #swc friends, today I'm here to share with you my Front Lever training experience today. I had a good rest today, although, I had to run an early errand. I came in a little tired, ate, and, slept for a while, by the time it was time for me, I got ready, and headed to the bars. As soon as I got to the bars, I started stretching my joints, wrists, elbows, shoulders, a little bit of my flexibility, and did some burpees. Once I finished stretching and warming up, I started today's Front Lever routine.

Di comienzo al entrenamiento con el máximo de aguante en Front Lever, me costó mucho, pero, pude realizar 3 series de un aguante de 5 segundos entre cada una. Luego, realicé 4 series de press en half + negativas en half, que me siguen costando mucho, pero, pude realizar 3 repeticiones de cada una. Luego, realicé 4 series de dominadas en tuck de Front Lever + aguante en tuck, me costó un poco, pero, pude realizar todas las series sin ningún problema. Por último, realizamos remos en barra + aguante en tuck de Front Lever, me costaron un mundo, pero, pude realizar las 4 series sin ningún problema. Aún me sigue costando el entrenamiento de Front Lever, pero, gracias al mismo, he podido mejorar mucho mi Front Lever, siempre manteniendo esa constancia y disciplina en los entrenamientos para lograr ser un mejor atleta en la Calistenia y, ser una mejor versión de nosotros mismos. Espero que les haya gustado mi experiencia de entrenamiento del día de hoy. Víctor Márquez, compartiendo contenido de Calistenia con ustedes, nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad.
I started the workout with the maximum hold on Front Lever, which was very difficult, but I was able to perform 3 sets with a 5-second hold between each one. Then, I performed 4 sets of half press + half pushdowns, which still cost me a lot, but I was able to perform 3 repetitions of each. Then, I performed 4 sets of Front Lever tuck pull-ups + tuck hold, which was a little difficult, but I was able to perform all the sets without any problems. Lastly, we performed Front Lever barbell pull-ups + tuck hold, I had a hard time, but, I was able to perform all 4 sets without any problems. I'm still struggling with Front Lever training, but, thanks to it, I have been able to improve my Front Lever a lot, always maintaining that constancy and discipline in training to become a better athlete in Calisthenics and, to be a better version of ourselves. I hope you liked my training experience today. Victor Marquez, sharing Calisthenics content with you, see you next time.

Victor Márquez Compartiendo Contigo Original
Victor Márquez Compartiendo Contigo Original

Carlos Gutierrez
Carlos Gutiérrez


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