¿Por qué no tengo full planche? |[ESP | ENG]

Street Workout Community

¿Por que no tengo full planche?

Why don't I have full planchea?

Hola a todos amigos de Street Workout Community El dia de hoy queria hacer algo diferente, queria hacer este video para las personas que estan estancados entre la straddle y la full, tambien para que entiendan como funciona y porque es bueno tener una buena postura.
Hello to all friends of Street Workout Community Today I wanted to do something different, I wanted to make this video for people who are stuck between straddle and full, also to understand how it works and why it is good to have a good posture.



a la hora de entrenar plancha, recuerden tener una buena base de fuerza o basico detras para comenzar a entrenarla a full, recomiendo hacer estiramientos antes y despues de entrenar igual que entrenarla de una forma intensa pero descansarla tambien lo maximo posible, recomiendo trabajar todos los grupos musculares y por ultimo tratar de tener la mejor postura posible para evitar lesiones que te puedan retrasar.
when training planche, remember to have a good base of strength or basic behind to start training it to full, I recommend stretching before and after training as well as train it in an intense way but also rest it as much as possible, I recommend working all muscle groups and finally try to have the best possible posture to avoid injuries that can slow you down.


En este video basicamente hablaremos sobre porque no pasamos de straddle a full, aca hablaremos de lo mas comun que es por falta de entrenamiento en basico o falta de entrenamiento al basico del estático, no entrenar los grupos musculares adecuado o centrarte demasiado en la straddle olvidando que para poder tener full tienes que hacer todo en full, olvidarte completamente de la straddle ya que recuerden que este es solamente una progresion, puedes tener muchos segundos, muchas repeticiones, etc. Pero sin embargo esto no nos ayudara tanto a seguir avanzando, tambien el tener en cuenta las postura y porque es importante, recuerden que la postura es para conservar una curvatura natural de nuestra espalda y poner involucrar muchos musculos para asi distribuir nuestra fuerza de palanca en muchos puntos, esto hara que sea mas facil levantarla pero aun asi es mas trabajo que hacer para tenerla, recuerden que el camino facil no siempre es el mejor y este es uno de los casos.
In this video we will basically talk about why we don't go from straddle to full, here we will talk about the most common which is because of lack of training in basic or lack of training to the basic of static, not training the right muscle groups or focusing too much on the straddle forgetting that in order to have full you have to do everything in full, completely forget about the straddle because remember that this is only a progression, you can have many seconds, many repetitions, etc.. But nevertheless this will not help us so much to keep moving forward, also to take into account the posture and why it is important, remember that the posture is to preserve a natural curvature of our back and put involve many muscles to distribute our leverage force in many points, this will make it easier to lift it but still is more work to do to have it, remember that the easy way is not always the best and this is one of the cases.


Esto es todo y sin mas nada que agregar los veo en el proximo post, recuerden siempre ir con paciencia y disciplina, pueden lograr lo que sea.
That's all and with nothing more to add, see you in the next post, remember to always go with patience and discipline, you can achieve anything.


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