Fondos, fondos, y mas fondos [ESP|ENG]

Muchos fondos, o rutina de especificidad. Una manera óptima de mejorar en los elementos básicos. Ayer estuve haciendo esta rutina con mi amigo @Valecillos.

Una rutina de especificidad es un programa de entrenamiento diseñado para mejorar tu rendimiento en una actividad o deporte específico. Se basa en el principio de especificidad, que establece que las adaptaciones fisiológicas que se producen como resultado del entrenamiento son específicas a los movimientos y demandas de la actividad que se realiza.

Lo sé, mucho texto y teoría. En otras palabras, si quieres mejorar tu rendimiento en una actividad concreta, como correr un maratón o levantar pesas, necesitas entrenar de una manera que sea específica a esa actividad. En este punto ya lo tienes claro, si quieres mejorar en fondos, flexiones, dominadas, o muscle up, tienes que hacer fondos, flexiones, dominadas, o muscle up. No tiene mucha ciencia.

Las rutinas de especificidad suelen incluir:

  • Ejercicios específicos para la actividad o deporte que se quiere mejorar.
    Un volumen de entrenamiento adecuado para el nivel de condición física del individuo.
  • Una intensidad de entrenamiento que sea suficiente para desafiar al individuo y promover la mejora.
  • Un período de recuperación adecuado para permitir que el cuerpo se adapte al entrenamiento.

  • Mantenerlo simple:

    ¿Cómo lo hago yo?

    Rutina 7x7: Consiste en hacer 7 series de un movimiento con el mayor número de repeticiones, descansando 7 minutos entre serie. Que aunque te parezca mucho tiempo… Bueno, si te da la gana probarla, hazlo y luego me comentas.

    Un saludo a todos en la comunidad.

    ![English post]

    Many funds, or specificity routine. An optimal way to improve on the basics. Yesterday I was doing this routine with my friend @Valecillos.

    A specificity routine is a training program designed to improve your performance in a specific activity or sport. It is based on the principle of specificity, which states that the physiological adaptations that occur as a result of training are specific to the movements and demands of the activity being performed.

    I don't want you to misunderstand me, in fact maybe these words can help someone, I don't know. And yes, we are all happy for the incentives we receive through content generation. But it is also important to understand that no account is "forced to vote for us", I also don't consider it pertinent to delve into the reasons why someone votes or not. Because we are in an economic system and just like the real world, interests can vary and be measured by objectivity or subjectivity. That yes, I don't give a damn about your handstand or your full planche, that can also happen, and my few followers on Instagram are proof positive of that melancholic reality. 🤣 You have to make passes at the ever-latent possibility of rejection.I know, a lot of text and theory. In other words, if you want to improve your performance in a particular activity, such as running a marathon or lifting weights, you need to train in a way that is specific to that activity. At this point it's clear, if you want to improve on dips, pushups, pullups, pulldowns, or muscle ups, you need to do dips, pushups, pulldowns, or muscle ups. There's not much science to it.

    Specificity routines usually include:

    • Exercises specific to the activity or sport you want to improve.
    • A training volume that is appropriate for the individual's fitness level.
    • A training intensity that is sufficient to challenge the individual and promote improvement.
    • An adequate recovery period to allow the body to adapt to the training.

    Keep it simple.

    How do I do it.

    7x7 Routine: It consists of doing 7 sets of a movement with the highest number of repetitions, resting 7 minutes between sets. Although it may seem like a long time... Well, if you feel like trying it, do it and then let me know.

    Greetings to everyone in the community.


    Diseño sin título (1).gif



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    "Unrelenting Resistance, Unbreakable Will"

    gracias por ver mi post.jpg


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    Interprete: Megadeth
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