En busca de progreso [ESP|ENG]


Saludos Amigos Hivers y usuarios de la comunidad de SWC

Greetings Friends of Hivers and users of the SWC Community

Progresando en la adversidad
Progressing in the face of adversity


Saludos amigos de HIVE y compañeros de la comunidad SWC quiero compartir con ustedes unas fotografías junto a un shorts de mi entrenamiento del día de ayer, dónde lance algunos estáticos para calentar.

Antes de tomar inicio a mi entrenamiento de Front Lever, decidí antes lanzar algunos estáticos, dónde pude notar el progreso de recuperación que llevo de la lesión que sufrí hace 2 meses, me da mucha felicidad saber que estoy progresando a pesar de eso, me costaba mucho realizar planchas e incluso perdí poder en Front Lever, es un largo camino que llevo y que seguiré hasta el final, porque aún no puedo realizar algunos agarres en plancha , lo cual limita mis entrenamientos, estoy entrenando fuerte y recuperándome paso a paso para volver a competencias y solo allí demostrar mi potencial, con la mente clara que es paso a paso y progresivamente.

En conclusión sigo fuerte, con la mentalidad más enfocada, tomando el descanso como parte del entrenamiento, tratando de mantenerme activo a pesar de mis múltiples responsabilidades y valorando cada momento de mi vida, espero les haya agradado mi publicación, nos vemos en un próximo post.

Greetings friends of HIVE and fellow members of the SWC community, I want to share with you some pictures with a shorts from my training yesterday, where I threw some static ones to warm up.

Before starting my Front Lever workout, I decided to do some static exercises, where I could notice the progress of recovery I'm making from the injury I suffered 2 months ago, it gives me great happiness to know that I'm progressing despite that, I had a hard time doing planks and even lost power in Front Lever, It is a long way that I am taking and that I will continue until the end, because I still can not perform some plancha grips, which limits my workouts, I am training hard and recovering step by step to return to competitions and only there to demonstrate my potential, with the clear mind that it is step by step and progressively.

Before starting my Front Lever workout, I decided to do some static exercises, where I could notice the progress of recovery I'm making from the injury I suffered 2 months ago, it gives me great happiness to know that I'm progressing despite that, I had a hard time doing planks and even lost power in Front Lever, It is a long way that I am taking and that I will continue until the end, because I still can not perform some plancha grips, which limits my workouts, I am training hard and recovering step by step to return to competitions and only there to demonstrate my potential, with the clear mind that it is step by step and progressively.

Acá un pequeño video corto donde muestro mi progreso de recuperación, que subí en la plataforma de Inleo espero les agrade.

Here is a short video where I show my recovery progress, which I uploaded on Inleo's platform, I hope you like it.




Herramientas de edición y Producción
Editing and Production Tools
Traductor: DeepL
Translator: DeepL
Dispositivos: Tecno POVA 5 2024
Devices:Tecno POVA 5
Editor: @bertnez
Editor: @bertnez

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