Star Wars Playing Cards..

I recently saw online some fantastic Star Wars themed playing cards at the following link..

..and I was immediately tempted to recreate some of their product photos. However its lockdown, national pandemic, and I haven't got that much space! Or budget for expensive lighting! So I bought a couple of small LED panale lights and some coloured gels from Amazon and then hit the supermarket for metallic utensils to create that star ship look.

So the cards in the shots are sat on an upside down cookie, or cake cutter, which is sat ontop of another cooking tin with holes in. This was elevated on 2 books (John Grisham & Lee Childs I think) and inbetween those books was another gel'd light shining upwards.
Behind all this I had a cafetiere and a silver container with holes in to look like an exhaust pipe of some sort, and then behind this a printed out schematic of the Millenium Falcon, which isn't clear, but really effective anyway!

So in short the shots were created on a relatively small budget, on a very basic setup, but were so much fun to do! I hope you like them :)

Equipment - Nikon D5300, 18-16mm lens, and a small portion of a baking shop!

If you do like any of my shots I can also be found on Instagram under the same username neilru75

Thanks very much for looking

Star Wars 1.jpg

Star Wars 3.jpg

Star Wars 5.jpg

Star Wars 4.jpg

Star Wars 6.jpg

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