Sir GiveALot finishes his first quest with chapter 3 ...

Today's Gift is ....png


Before we begin, special thanks to @phanty for proposing this new avatar

The Quest...

! [Click to reveal the quest and gift]
Today's Gift is Opened(4).png
A rare singer is now offered! I found it on the market and bought it just for you, well I admit, @itharagaian sent me the starbits !
Playable here:


To be eligible, b e sure to tag a friend as it's used for the drawing, and also tell us more about your favorite singer, in Rising Star Game or in Real Life, it's up to you...

Today's Sponsor is :

@itharagaian who spent the starbits for this card

His message :

Did you know that our ECU token distribution program provides nice APR each week to our delegators? Did you now ECU is a Stable token, on hive ? Ask us to know more or start delegating to @hive-143869 ...


Previous Winner

There was only a very few participants last round, even if the votes were brought by rising Star Community.
We hope to ge tmore people involved in this one.

But now it's time to know who won the prize !!!
The Bottle is won by ...

! [Click to know who won]
Congratulations @deadzy !

Congratulations for your winning ! I send the card asap.
Please: Don't forget to comment and tell people you received it.


Sir GiveALot Background Story (Quest 1 - Chapter 3 - Final)

Finally, they reached a clearing where the Amethyst Rose grew, its petals shimmering with a gentle, otherworldly light. But as Sir Givelot reached out to pluck the flower, a fearsome guardian appeared—a colossal, spectral wolf with eyes like silver moons.

The guardian spoke, "Only one with a pure heart, whose intentions are noble and free from greed, may take the Amethyst Rose."

Sir Givelot thought of his love for Eldoria, his commitment to breaking the kingdom's curse, and the kindness he had shown throughout his life. With determination and sincerity, he reached for the flower once more. The guardian, sensing the purity of his heart, allowed him to take the Amethyst Rose.

With the precious flower in hand, Sir Givealot and Tobias made their way back through the Enigma Forest. As they emerged from its shadowy depths, the forest began to awaken, its vitality returning. Rivers flowed, flowers bloomed, and the land rejoiced.

Returning to the castle, Sir Givealot presented the Amethyst Rose to King Eldric. With great ceremony, the king used its power to break the curse that had plagued Eldoria. The kingdom flourished once more, and its people lived in peace and prosperity.

Sir Givealot's name was forever etched in the annals of Eldoria's history as the noble knight who had saved the realm. But he remained humble, always guided by his sense of justice and his willingness to embark on new quests, for he knew that in a world of adventure, there was always another tale waiting to be told.

(...) Soon a new quest in the next giveaway, if our readers like it ...


Support the Knight

Sir GiveALot loves to gift the citizens, but he also loves to receive gifts from them. As long as they remain gifts ... You may upvote, send tips, use !tipstokens, or wathever you consider legitimate. You may also follow ouy giveways Zone community.

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