Getting A Foam Pad For My Bed

Hello friends! I was very happy to get a delivery today of an egg crate type foam mattress pad for my bed! My mattress had begun to sink in the middle parts, and I even got bruised from it a few weeks ago. The mattress is only I think four years old, which seems fast to me for that to happen, but I suppose I don't really know. I usually had really old, hand-me-down mattresses before, or I slept on a couch, or my massage table, lol. But once I saw bruising on both sides of my hips, I knew it was time for a foam pad.

"Please do not cut" it says, and then tapes the box shut like it's Fort Knox

I knew going in that it would be really smushed in there, vacuum sealed style, and would need time to expand to full size. It really was!

Some of the reviewers complained that there was a strong offgassing smell, but imo there isn't. Maybe a tiny whiff of one, but nothing like they were saying. I've smelled that smell before, I have two anti-fatigue mats that were VERY strong with the offgassing stink, but this barely had anything noticeable at all. That's good!

I spread it out in the living room for now, so it can expand all the way. This can take a few days I read, so we'll see how long it takes! And if there IS any offgassing, my air purifier is running on high nearby.

I had this on my wish list for a little while, and then it went on sale just as I got the money to be able to afford to buy it. Score! I love when the timing works out like that.

Here's to a comfortable mattress that supports me! :)

Edited to update with product info:

If you are interested in the topper I chose, here is the link on Amazon! :) As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for supporting me!

It seems that the sale I caught has ended, but it's still cheaper than a lot of the other ones I saw available of a similar size. The one I chose is 3" deep and for a full size bed. There are thinner ones that are cheaper, but I figured if I was going to shell out for a topper, I wanted one that was really good! And of course, what size bed you have makes a difference in price as well. Some of the other ones were over $100 for the same size, though, so it pays to shop around.

It looks like it has fully expanded after a day, so I will be putting it on my mattress for tonight! I am really looking forward to having a comfy, smushy foam topper when I sleep. I am definitely a person who prefers soft beds and pillows, lol. And with my sporadic pain flare ups, it's important to have a supportive bed so I don't start the day in pain. So I'm very grateful I was able to get this topper. :)

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