My entry to the 3rd week of challenge - Goldencenser

Message received from Golden Censer:

Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Reflection message for Golden Censer:

You and I do good deeds

Salvation and faith are gifts from God, we achieve soul salvation through faith in Christ Jesus and his work of salvation.

God has decided that we should be saved by faith and not by works, so that the honor and recognition of salvation be given to him and not to ourselves.

We have been created by God in his image in order to reflect the power, love and goodness of God to our fellow men, the way to accomplish it is through works, these works are the projects and actions that we put into practice with the intention to help the needy, the poor and beggars.

The good works were prepared by God in advance so that we walk in them, do everything good that is within our reach, everything good that the opportunity presents for the benefit of someone other than myself.

Stop to think a little that in the world there are others who need a helping hand, a helping hand in times not so good, and we are blessed to have a little more than them, so let us walk doing the will of God expressed in his word from Ephesians 2:10, and let us begin to walk in the good works for which we have been created by God.

Our life is to serve God, when we understand that by serving others we are serving God so we can help the needy, and feel the satisfaction of giving is better than receiving and serving before being served.

If we determine a way to help others, we will be obeying the word of God and he promises that if we obey him as a consequence we will have his blessing.

Father help me to obey your word with faith, enlighten me to choose a work established before you so that I may walk in it, giving my offering or my work to help those in need, because when I do I will be serving you and I will be blessed to continue Being a blessing, I ask you and I thank you in the name of Christ, amen.

Praise God and bless his word.

Image taken from the @maxdevalue block for the Goldencenser Challenge

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