Honor father and mother

Today, one can barely find a person who is not offended or completely satisfied with his parents, his behavior towards him. But there are no perfect people on earth, therefore, parents, as well as each one of us, tend to make mistakes.


After all, parents become parents only with the advent of children and get this experience, educating us, in the course of life. Therefore, each of us experienced pain and resentment, possibly caused by our parents from evil. Just as mature children make the same mistakes already in relation to the next generation.

In one of God's commandments, given to Moses and all the people, the commandment with the promise of benefits for its fulfillment is written:

"Honor your father and your mother, that your days would be long, that you would be well in that land (the land, our work, business, family and any area where we work) that the Lord your God gives you" (Exodus 20:12)

"His days have lasted": this is not only a promise of longevity, but also growth, business expansion, heritage, as well as the transfer of blessings to subsequent generations that follow us.

The eternal law of sowing and reaping says: "What man sows will reap" (Gal.6: 7), that is, if we honor our parents, our children will honor us, their children will honor them, etc.

If we forget the existence of our parents and are not careful with them, no matter how much we strive for our children, we will not respect them. This is the principle of God.

Obedience is a form of respect for parents. God's commandments always work, believe it or not, whether we know them or not, whether we like them or not, regardless of our desire and acceptance of them.

Our parents are the established authority of God in our lives. They contain all the potential and supply of everything we need, since in breast milk there are all the vitamins and substances necessary for the development of the body. When the mother feeds the baby with her milk, the child develops immunity, protection against various diseases, infections. In addition, if we are obedient and venerate our parents, we observe these correct relationships established by the Creator, our life will be more protected by various problems and difficulties. Parents already have experience in life and know how to guide us to avoid problems. Everything a person does, in the end, does it by itself.

The function of the parents established by the Creator is not only to give life, but to educate, lead to the independent age of their child. They spend a lot of energy, health, strength, educating us.

Your parents are people worthy of the greatest honor. They gave you life and spent your life so you get what you have now: education, health, food, clothing and other benefits, and most importantly: life.

The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was crucified on the cross of Calvary to take away the pain, resentment, sins and sins that sinned against you, so that you would heal with His wounds, you could free, forgive and forget the past and live a life of joy and excess.

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