Survivor’s Accounts

It is true that nothing really happens by accident in life. We may not see the beauty of the situations and storms in our lives immediately as they happen But there’s certainly a reason for every ugly history.
I didn’t know this until I started finding reasons. I have realized that every encounter were positive rungs for my rising.
God practically situated and orchestrate my meetings with some of the most Powerful, Influential, Seasoned and Disciplined Men and Women in my neighborhood. Although I found out how much God loves Me a little later. Sometimes God prepares a man for greatness by allowing him pass through a temporal furnace from men.

These are some of my testimonies;
Some few years ago I was fired from a job for a crime I did not commit Although my eviction was easier where a veteran
perceived a poison cause to the death of one of the family’s pet and so I got fired immediately with no option for apologies. “It’s not me Ma, I can not do such a thing!” (kneeling, crying and begging) But my tears did not help me. This issue was complicated as my boss at the time had assumed I was an enemy to the family’s passion. The PA couldn’t do anything to help me, “not deliberately” as his corporation was 100% expected. That wasn’t the time to play familiarities, I guess he was looking at possibilities but his jurisdiction was almost as limited as mine.

He accompanied me to my room where I Prayed, Packed my things and Left hopelessly crying. My admission to the University was my greatest achievement there although the initial process failed when I got fired.

After two months and Nicely lol, I was called on a beautiful morning by my former boss through Her PA. little wonder She still remembered me. I was amazed the kind of love that came to me from her Right on time despite the fact that I almost missed a full academic session.

She send some money to me even above all I expected and the joy came for the first time yet. I prayed for Her from the bottom of my heart, she really helped me. 2 weeks later a brother introduced me to a family who needed the
service of Chef, preferably a (young lady) but as stranded as I was I didn’t care about gender anything. I told myself I’d try to fit in for any possible position. I just needed to work, earn and change my status. Little did I know I was about signing my abuse warrant and so the struggle continued but now in a new glorified environment.

I was told by one of the children that father said I’d be working for 24 hours including Sundays. That was the first time the “no church while in service” was introduced to Me in a Christian home and so I stopped worshipping in a church for almost seven years “not willingly” But right there and then, I defined who a free man is. (A free man is not the one who has nothing to do, He’s a man with even a busy schedule drawn and followed by him” and I defined a Slave to be a Man who’s Freedom and happiness depends on the permissions of another) That was when the advocacy for freedom from glorified slavery was born.

Something to Remember;
It was 5o’clock in the morning again, 27th December After a very stressful yesterday. Miraculously God has given me yet another day for a continuous phase of the same struggle, a morning full of bitterness and regressive thoughts. A wrapped up adventure with continuous challenging episodes.

At a crossroad where the decision to either continue or quit the struggle was staring right on my head. There I learnt that “in this race of life so much resting will ultimately lead to quitting and quitting will never lead to success” there I phrased “Do not rest because you’re tired, Rest because your mission is accomplished”

That was how I motivated myself that morning, but I asked myself;
What is a perfect life?
• Who has ever lived a perfect life?
• Why do good people keep falling prey when seeking help for a
better life ?

And so the Questionings, Provocative and Heartbreaking thoughts kept flowing through like a river and soon the alarm clock rang the second time 5:37 am. And again;
• How long will I continue like this ?
• Did I make a mistake when I chose this profession ?
• Is this still happening in the. World today ?
• Are my other colleagues facing this too ?
• Why do they appreciate them more ?
• Is it because of where I come from ?
• Does the pay really worth the much stress?
• Why don’t I have a work free day?
• What can I achieve in a long run?
• Are there some kind of especial plans for me which I do not know ?
• Has it ever happened to anyone in history?

Everyday was just like the beginning even after 6 years of sweating and bleeding. The job load was becoming much everyday without a corresponding increments on salary agreements. But I had to endure as that was the only environment God used to furnish my Education. It was impossible for others but I broke that record there to His glory.

I have learnt to showing patience at the face of Troubles, Rejections, and Reproaches. Being impatient was never part of me until I discovered patience was no longer on my side. This new me was risky but I didn’t care because of my aggressive hunger for freedom. I was considered being in a haste doing everything because I stopped allowing my rights to be hijacked by them.

NB, “ If you’ve been in a place or have been with someone in a place of service for a convincing period of time but yet your status never changed, Think about how countries gain their independence and if you know you have what it takes to live independently, Take those aggressive steps and grant yourself the
freedom you deserve”. And when I thought I was doing well I decided to fall in love (the second biggest deserter I created to hurt me) The series of love journals, Episodes of love and romantic soaps I watched on television failed me. I thought I’d probably get those fantasies in reality.

I begged for love all my life, Gave my all and expected too, Longing for my own share of the sincere sacrifices I gave, Explaining myself every other day telling her about the future me hoping she’d
probably see reasons to stay. Little wonder I was only growing up. Making pledges and promises was never enough to convince any lady on the surface of the earth considering the yardstick of the 21st century. Without enough Money,
Car, Juicy Job or a Successful business, You may have the sweetest mouth on earth but the earlier you understand these expectations the better for you because you’ll only be seeing your visions alone. These episodes of self caused stress did not end until I made a fresh start from experience to accept the realities of life which later worked for me.

NB, “Be sensitive enough to know those in your circle who’d give up at any slide inconveniences as you journey. If they give up once they’ll give up again. Forgive these ones but don’t give them any more chances. We all have fears but listen to the lyrics of those around you, What they say unconsciously is probably their fears, Their fears might become your fear if you enjoy your stay.

At the end of the day God took all the Glory After experiencing the Good, the Bad and the Ugly But certainly the best is yet to come.These are people I can never forget in my Lifetime no matter all the Ordeals I can remember. God have used different people of different tribes and backgrounds to mold me and I’m ever grateful for all the channels.God bless You
all, Amen!

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