Do you know you can get more than you ask for from God? Jesus in Matthew 6:8 says that our heavenly father knows all our need s before we even ask Him.

The nation of Israel was almost at the Pinnacle of it's strength and wealth under David,band all the enemies had been conquered with peace around. This was the situation of Israel when young Solomon became king. He found the shoes of his father David too big for his feet. He continued in the love his father had for God and made an unprecedented offering to the Lord - slaughtered a thousand animals and burnt them on the Lord's altar. God was so pleased with Solomon's offering that He have him a blank cheque for anything he needed: ask for whatever you want me to give you. Pause little: if the Lord would confront you with such opportunity, what will you ask for? Because Solomon asked aright in linr with God's will for him, God blessed him beyond his imagination-wisest and wealthiest ever.

Attempt great things for the Lord, and watch how He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Note the words attempt and seekas against achieve and find. The power to achieve great things and find the Lord is not yours, but the Lord's. Yours is to attempt and seek.

Remember he who calld you I faithful, who also will do it.

I'm@remahrock your brother. Tjwnk you for visiting my blog.


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