It is not true to say that only guys insist on sex before marriage. As a single guy, I walked out on a relationship because she demanded sex before marriage.


As a guy, you may never realize how serious this issue is unless you are serious with your faith. Sisters would turn a God-fearing guy down because he insists on chastity.

If she's not calling you 'gay,' she'd be saying that you might not be able to score awesome points in bed or be able to match her sexual dexterity or libidinous cravings.

This is one of the reasons most sisters insist on sex before marriage. They want to be sure that the brother knows how to play a woman in bed like a Spanish guitar.

Now, this is what the scripture calls walking by sight or faithlessness. If God says to us to wait till marriage before sex, acting contrarily to his word means walking by sight.

Remember, we walk by faith and not by sight. Secondly, faith is acting on God's word. If you can't take God at his word and act on it, it means that you are sense-ruled.

It is true that there are lots of gay brothers in church these days. But that shouldn't be a problem. You should be able to detect them.

On this platform, I've counseled and encouraged the dissolution of marriages entered through deceits.

In our marriage liturgy, there's the aspect where intending couples are required to state reasons the union should not be covenanted.

If it is discovered in marriage that the guy is gay, it invariably implies that there was never marriage in the first instance.

What about ladies who are lesbian, bisexual, or lied about the status of their womb and cannot conceive, the same rules applies.

Such unions never really existed.

The growing chasm between Christian purity and premarital sex is a ever-widening dragnet with a more stronger appeal than the doctrine of chastity.

We need a new conversation around sexuality in the church — one that explicitly explains why believers should stay off sex until marriage.

There's a faulty communication of sex which merely reduces it to abstinence instead of the holistic view of God's intention on the subject.

Truly, we need a better conversation of our sexuality along the continuum of biblical instruction on purity and chastity.

The media and certain ungodly chatters are teaching our sisters to think that sex is like a pair of shoes with a specific size for each person.

Interestingly, God didn't design sex like a pair of socks or face cap or all such items that have the ‘one size fits all’ tag.

To score awesome points in bed, two people must live devotedly to one another and be patient to explore the hot-spots around their bodies.

Knowledge is the engine room for sexual compatibility, not experience. You don't have to try out different people to know your size. You need the knowledge that comes through selfless devotion and mutual patience.

God designed marriage as a place of devotion. Husband and wife must patiently grow together and learn everything about their individual's preferences from each other.

This idea of coming into marriage with acquired sex skills from sextracurricula indulgences is not of God.

The body of a Christian is a sanctuary. God lives in it; hence, the way a physical sanctuary is desecrated when an idol is brought into it, is the same way the sanctuary of our body is desecrated through fornication or adultery.

We must understand that sexual chastity or the keeping of our body is the highest level of worship and devotion to God. For God, true worship is the offering of our bodies as living sacrifices to him.

Romans 12:1, we are told to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God as our true and proper worship.

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