IMAGE SOURCE: www.wikihow.com


There is absolutely no weariness with God. There is nothing about your quest that can ever worry Him. He is God; He is not man. _With God, you cannot “over ask”.- God is inexhaustible, the earth is His and the fullness thereof, the world and all that dwell therein. No matter what your quest is, no matter how enormous your desires are; God is up to the task. He is able to make you laugh in the fulfilling joy of answered prayers.

Sarah had cause to laugh in her awesome experience of the fulfillment of what everyone felt was humanly impossible. She proclaimed – “God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me” Genesis 21:6. The things God promises are really into within the realm of human performance. If you see to lean on men for the fulfillment of God’s promise, they will be wearied because it is out of their scope completely.

IMAGE SOURCE: jesus.net

With God’s Word hovering around you; you become too “weighty” for men to carry. Your best option is to be borne on the everlasting arms of the Almighty – The God of all might. He has spoken and the performance remains His as well. Hold unto God in the light of His allowance for your life.

No matter what your expectation turns out to be, as long as you are operating within the confines of His will, you cannot wear Him out. If you choose to call every moment of the day in the light of His Word for your path; you will find Him, the “I am that I am”: the God that will not cease to be Who His Word says that He is.

God is never intimidated by your quests and expectations of Him; He can never be overwhelmed by the cares and issues in your life. He is able to do far exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ever ask or think. God cannot be wearied by the righteous demands of a righteous caller.

He is only wearied by the sinfulness of men. When you are operating within the confines of His will for your life, you will not fail to find Him as the God that is more than enough. He is more than enough for all that you see of Him. If only you will believe, you will see His glory and you will discover that there is no weariness in God.

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