Devotional: my new birth in Christ

I want to express my thanks to HeartChurch International Ministry for accepting my declaration of membership in the ministry.

Today I want to share with you about my new birth in Christ Jesus, therefore I will be taking the biblical quote in 2 Corinthians 5:17, which says:

So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things happened; behold, all are made new.
King James Version (RVR1960)

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Before receiving Christ in my heart and experiencing the new birth, I was a person with many complexes because of a problem that I had in my eyes. I was born by nature with deviation in one of my eyes which made me generate a complex of personal acceptance. I really didn't accept myself and this hurt my self-esteem.

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Several years passed and I grew up with this complex of my eyes until my parents met Christ and I began to attend a church with them and they began to ask the Lord to help me with this problem of visual deviation, my parents clung to a miracle that the Lord could do with me or do everything according to his will.

The important thing about all this is that one day I decided to accept Christ from my heart as my personal savior and this filled me with a lot of confidence and hope to receive from the Lord his help to overcome this problem of complexity. In my country, a campaign called “Operation miracle” was developed in which people with limited financial resources in my country covered all the expenses to operate them in Cuba. God heard my prayers and those of my parents, and one morning they called us to prepare my suitcases that I was going to travel to Cuba to undergo eye surgery. Everything went as we requested, the trip was carried out and I was operated in Cuba and my eyes were completely in good visual direction.

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My life changed completely, thanks to the love of Christ that entered my heart. I overcame my self-esteem problem and greatly improved as a person, as a daughter, and as a student, which influenced me to graduate as a customs administrator and set my new modeling goal. Today I serve Christ from the heart and dedicate myself to carrying out community works.

Having a new birth in Christ is something great and amazing. My complex days are in the past and now I enjoy a new life of love and hope in Christ. I have excellent human relationships with my parents, friends and my brothers in Christ.

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