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The blessing be with all the brothers, who share this challenge this week, it is a pleasure to be able to share the word of God and analyze every week the words that Goldencenser gives us.

In this challenge # 32, I thank Steemchurch management for all the support received, many greetings to everyone, especially @maxdevalue.


Memo: Jesus said to him: "Get out of me, Satan! Because it is written:" Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only. "[Matthew 4:10 (NIV)]


The passage Matthew 4, 1–11, talks about the temptation of Christ:

Jesus was raised by the Spirit to the desert, by the temptation of the devil (Matthew 4, 1), that is, the Savior goes to the desert by the will of God to verify the truth of his faith and devotion. In theological language, "desert" is a place of judgment and renewal, a place of judgment. But in this passage, the word "temptation" also has an additional connotation, because the devil, trying to Christ, tries to persuade him to abandon the will of the Father, that is, push him to sin.

The word "devil" in Greek means "slanderer, liar", this is how the Aramaic word "Satan" was translated in the Septuagint, which means "enemy." The Devil is the head of all forces hostile to God and seeks to divert and shake the devotion of those who are faithful to God, thus breaking the living connection between God and man.

Unlike Mark and Luke, according to the description of which Christ is tested during the forty days, according to Matthew, the devil began the test after Jesus, fasting forty days and forty nights, finally hung up, that is, he was hungry ( Matthew 4, 2). Forty is a symbolic number that often indicates the duration of the test, for example, the forty-day fast of Moses, described in the book of Exodus: And Moses stayed there with the Lord for forty days and forty nights, did not eat Bread did not drink water. (Exodus 34, 28) Since Matthew Christ is the perfect incarnation of Israel, the prototype of his fasting and trial was probably the forty years of wandering of the Jews in the desert.

When Jesus felt an extreme loss of strength after forty days of fasting, the adversary approached him and said: if you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread (Matthew 4, 3). In trying to persuade Christ to use the power that the Father gave him for his own purposes, the devil wants to prevent the Savior from fulfilling God's will. But, rejecting his temptation, Christ says: man will not live only on bread, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4, 4).

After having suffered two defeats, the devil does not retreat, but takes the Savior to a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and his glory, and says: All this I will give you, if you fall, you worship me (Matthew 4, 8–9). Christ is offered power over the world. And this is a direct offer to rebel against God and side with Satan, giving him the honors that the vassals gave his teacher.

But in response, Christ says: Depart from me, Satan, because it is written: worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone (Matthew 4:10). The Lord quotes the words of the Pentateuch, once addressed to the people of Israel in the desert: fear the Lord your God and serve (Deuteronomy 6, 13). In the original Hebrew, the word "fear," replaced here by "worship." Therefore, the Savior also stood here, voluntarily renouncing power for the fulfillment of God's will, for the sake of service for the salvation of mankind.

Having done everything possible for the temptation of Christ, and unable to think of anything else, the defeated demon was forced to leave.

How often the devil tempts us in difficult times. We, dear brothers and sisters, must turn to the One who could resist the devil with dignity, opening the way to salvation.

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