Religion and marriage: Union of two hearts

No matter how careful and wise those who marry, very few still have complete unity immediately after the end of the marriage ceremony. True unity in marriage is achieved in the following years of life.

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As newlyweds face the burden of hardship and misunderstanding, the romantic atmosphere with which the imagination often surrounds marriage disappears. Husband and wife recognize each other's character better than they could in the old relationship. This is the most difficult period in your life.

The happiness and success of your whole life depend on whether you choose the right direction at this time. They often find each other's weaknesses and weaknesses, which they had not previously suspected; but hearts bound by love will also find excellent qualities that they did not know before. Everyone should try to find other positive qualities, not flaws. Often what we find in another depends on our own attitude, our own state of mind.

The expression of love is considered by many to be a weakness; therefore, they remain closed, and this repels others. Such a spirit delays an expression of mutual understanding. If noble social impulses are suppressed, they weaken and the heart becomes empty and cold. This error should be careful. Love cannot exist for long unless it finds expression. Don't let your loved one die for lack of kindness and sympathy on your part.

Only in Christ can a marriage be reliable. Human love must borrow its closest ties to divine love. Deep, true, and disinterested feelings can only be where Christ rules.

Love is the precious gift we receive from Jesus. Pure and holy attachment is not a feeling, but a principle. Driven by true love, they will not make unreasonable demands, but they will not act blindly either. Taught by the Holy Spirit, they will love God more than anything and their neighbor as themselves.

"An intelligent wife is from the Lord." "The husband's heart trusts her ... She gives him good and not evil, every day of her life." "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and with gentle instruction in her tongue. She watches the house at home and does not eat the bread of idleness. The children get up and please her, the husband, and they praise her, saying: "There were many virtuous wives, but you surpassed them all." ; 31, 11. 12. 26-29; 18, 22).

Those who wish to marry must weigh each feeling and observe the development of each character trait of the person with whom they intend to unite their destiny. Every step taken to get married must be marked by modesty, simplicity, sincerity, and a serious desire to please and glorify God.

Marriage is reflected in later life both in this world and in the future. Therefore, a serious Christian will not describe any plan that God cannot approve.

If you have godly parents, check them out. Open your hopes and plans to them, familiarize yourself with what life experience taught them and you will avoid many misunderstandings. And most importantly, choose Christ as your Counselor.

Although difficulties and misunderstandings and disappointments can appear in life, neither husband nor wife should allow to think that their union was a mistake and a deceived hope. They decide to be for each other as much as possible. Give yourself the attention you had at the beginning. In every possible way, help each other fight the storms of life. Find ways to improve someone else's happiness. Love, as well as indulgence, must be mutual. Then marriage will not be the end of love, but will be like the beginning of it. The warm friendships and love that unites hearts will be a foretaste of heavenly joy.

Around each family there is a sacred fence that must be kept intact. None of the outsiders has the right to enter this circle. Neither husband nor wife should allow a stranger to enjoy that trust, which belongs to them entirely.

Everyone should love the other and not demand love. Develop in yourself everything worthy and prepare to recognize the good qualities of another. The awareness that you are valued is a wonderful stimulant and provides satisfaction. Mutual understanding and respect lead to perfection; Inciting to achieve higher goals, love itself will increase.

Husband and wife should show each other the spirit that Christ showed toward us: "Live in love, just as Christ loved us." "But, as the Church obeys Christ, so do the wives of their husbands in everything. Their wives, just as Christ loved the Church and betrayed herself for her" (Eph. 5, 2. 24. 25 ).

But remember that you will not find happiness if you withdraw yourself, satisfied to show all your love only in relation to each other. Take every opportunity to contribute to the happiness of those around you. Remember that true joy can only be found in the selfless service of others.

Indulgence and selfless attitude toward others mark the words and deeds of all who live a new life in Christ. If you try to live his life, overcome your vanity and selfishness, and help others in their needs, then you will win one victory after another. Therefore, their influence will be a blessing to the world.

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