
You will not misuse the name of the Lord your God, because the Lord will not hold anyone innocent who does his name wrong. [Exodus 20: 7 NIV]

This passage leads us to the 3rd commandment, you will not use the name of God in vain, and we must be clear that using the name of God is a sin of which we must report to God.

The name begins any personal communication between people, the name is present in any appeal, request, written statement and simply in a letter. With the name of God, every prayer of the believer begins and ends.

The interpretations of the Third Commandment as a minimal, simpler and at the same time very serious warning against familiarity and at the same time as a call to reverence. And this is true, although the meaning of this command of the Lord is far from being exhausted.

We often relate this commandment to the prohibition of curses, oaths, frequent and aimless references to the name of God. A careless and careless word should not come from our lips. Our discourse, like life, must be meaningful; we must think about what and how we speak before our Father. After all, mentioning the name of God without a significant spiritual goal, or reaching indecent personal goals, for example, caused by vanity, indicates a low level of reverence, and perhaps the total absence of the fear of God.

The fulfillment of this Commandment is expressed in our moderation, maintaining the distance of holiness, by which the Lord separated himself from sinful people. Therefore, in obedience to the Third Commandment, we simultaneously show reverence and our love for Him.

The third commandment calls us in prayer to turn to God only with an open and spiritually prepared heart. Our prayers must be sincere, the Lord will punish hypocritical, standard, learned, spoken or read prayers. Our communion with God must not contain "idle talk" (2 Peter 2:18).

The Third Commandment warns us against the exploitation of God's name to please our pride. Often, our vanity is expressed in the fact that we hide behind the titles, proper names and others, we demand fame, respect and obedience to others, we do not deserve it completely, or without discussion and verification we make decisions that affect the interests of a lot of people.



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