Why do God deny his retribution

Why do God deny his retribution
Ecclesiastes 8:17

In this study, we want to unlock the mystery why God's delays his sentence against evil work.

In a world that is ridden with evil works and evil doings. It beat people imagination why God keeps silent over a long period of time without doing anything to the evil doers.

And this is apparently why a lot of people are prone to doing evil. Ecclesiastes 8:11. Hebrews 12:4-11.

some reasons why God delays his retribution

•God is equitable( Isaiah 45:5-7)

To be equitable is to be fair and reasonable. Our God is not a man that sometimes is irrational in his dispensation of Justice.
Isaiah said that, God will judge in righteousness and reprove with equity. (Isaiah 18:4). But always have it in mind that God assured that he would no by any means clear the guilty. Exodus 38:7

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