
The word but either qualifies a person or disqualifies a person. It can also bring good name to a person and it can also destroys someone future.
This word, can cause divorce in marriage too.

In 2 Kings 5:1:

The king of Syria had high admiration for Naaman, the commander-in-chief of his army, for he had led his troops to many glorious victories. So he was a great hero, but he was a leper.

After counting all the qualifications Naaman possess it reach a point the word BUT was use,
Just this single BUT disqualified Naaman and make him worthless.

Now so many people experience the case of Naaman in many ways, it doesn't mean you are a leper but if you are still living in SIN then you have leprosy. Stop sinning and heal yourself from this BUT of leprosy in you.

Why we have BUT IN OUR LIVES

Why we have BUT in our lives is because the gods of this world and the things if this world have blinded our eyes and make us act and behave like them so get loose now by drawing more closer to God and stop sinning.

May the Lord help us and take away every leprosy putting BUT at the end of our good deeds for us in Jesus dear name. Amen.

Happy Sunday brethren

I'm @imaluv54

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