Back to my first love

A story is told of a man who lived among men 2000 years ago. I am told he came that he may die for my sins and set me free from death, fear, and bondage and all he demanded from me was to believe in him and trust in his ways. Even before I knew him he loved me. He took upon himself my pain , sins, and gave himself that I'll find hope and a future. I've never seen him but I am told in his image I was created and in his likeness I took his nature. I can only imagine the man who saved my soul whenever I look into the mirror.

But in my walk with life there came a time when my faith was fainting and the things my savior despised I found myself clinging to. Gradually, the same sin I was set free from , I wallowed in it. Oh, how that broke the heart of the man crucified for the same sake. I could see him bleed over and over again as I took upon myself the flesh. Time and time again he proved his faithfulness. I was standing afar but he still wouldn't stop calling and beckoning me to come to my first love.

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Even before I learned to love myself, he loved me. He showed me what it means to love. Even in my harlotry, he was patient to wait, even when I fell , he stood by to hold me up, and when I despised him, he never gave up on me. This is a love so rare, a love the world cannot give, I could feel his warm embrace each time I fail, like a father's love to his only dear son. I'm tired and nothing is pleasing anymore, I'm going back to my first love, this time like a prodigal son, not as one worthy but one who was lost but now has found his way home.

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