Living Right or Wrong grace and mercy has sustain us on this earth. Aboundance grace is what saves us from evil happening to us. How many are faithful to God Almighty words? But yet we live, we eat, we have children, we have good business and live comfortable.
Matthew 5:45;

  1. That you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
    God is merciful and His mercy endures forever and sufficient for all mankind.
    The Sunrise and set on both the poor, rich, just, unjust, animals and plant. God is not after your skin color, background, world class classification nor your beautiful looks but is a God of all the planets and kingdoms. All things were formed by Him and with Him everything comes to live by His grace not power, might or professionalism.
    By birth we are alike by death all bodies are the same.
    Living Right or Wrong the Sun is going down for all and our days are counting.
    Happy Sunday and let the day be bless as grace found you and walking on the promises of God. IMG_20200923_181523_305.jpg
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