Enjoying supernatural favour (John 4:38[38]I have sent you to reap a harvest in a field where you did not work; others worked there, and you profit from their work


Good day great hive minds...today I'll be talking on how to provoke Gods supernatural favour in our lives. But first of all, what is favour?
The definition of favour to everyone is simply the likeness, approval, or support for someone or something. It is an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
But supernaturally, favour is not the exchange of something you've done but a divine give away from God. Supernaturally, favour is defined as God stepping into ones situation to make a worthwhile difference. Favour is a divine way to success and prosperity (psalm 132:14-17).
Looking from the book of Esther 4:14, she didn't labour to be the queen instead, after all of Vashti laboured for, Esther was highly favored and became the queen.

     Steps to provoke God's supernatural favour 

1). You must be born again(psalms 5:12): The first step to enjoying endless supernatural favour is accepting Christ. When you've accepted him, it simply means you're ready to obey him and live by his rules and by doing so, you're ready to take in his blessings, favours and breakthroughs.

2). Addiction to kingdom promotion (psalm 102:13-16): Being addicted to promoting God's kingdom simply means you're after God's heart and what is in God's heart is how to win more souls for his kingdom and when you do this, you'll be surely favoured.
Using myself as an example, when I needed a job due to the strike, I didn't want to apply and seek for God's favour so I decided to win a soul and that same week, I was called to resume work at a place I didn't apply for. The boss just said he liked how I always act and that was it.

3).Your character (Genesis 39:6): Just like Joseph in the bible, we should possess good characters. Like the saying goes, a good name is better than riches. With a good name and the divine favour from God, you'll be highly favoured. Just like what I said above, the boss just said he saw me and liked me because of how I acted and that was it. God needs to use a man to favour a man and when you don't possess approachable character, how can this favour take place?

4). Sow seeds of favour (Matthew 5:7, Luke 6:36, Ephesians 6:8): God will reward everyone for the good works they do. When you always give people water, you won't lack water at all, when you like giving out cloths, you won't lack cloths at all so sow seeds of favour and God will continue to favour you supernaturally. What you do most, God blesses you most in that aspect.

5). Be greatful (Malacai 2 :1-2): When you are greatful fit the little thing someone gives you, he will be pushed without being reminded to give more. Just like the servant who was given one talent, he was not greatful and it didn't end well fir him as his master was not pleased at all. Just in the same way with God, appreciate the little you see for greater things are coming.

Picture taken from a friend.

Thanks for reading, commenting and reblogging guys I pray we all enjoy God's favour abundantly. ☺️

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