Nothing Is Too Difficult For The Lord

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Your wife Elizabeth shall bear you a son, and you shall name him John" (Luke 1:13).

Jesus is Lord, praise him now and forever. Mary's kinswoman Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were of advanced age and were childless. Zechariah was of the priestly division.

He was chosen by lot to serve in the Jerusalem temple. While he was burning incense in the sanctuary, the angel of the Lord appeared to him and announced to him the birth of a son to him. The child would be named John meaning "Yahweh is Gracious." John had been chosen by God to be a prophet who would turn the hearts of the people back to the Lord.

Zechariah was advanced in year so he doubted the divine messenger. As a result he was made mute until the birth of his son. John is God's "voice" announcing the coming of the Messiah.

Friends in the Lord, do I trust the words of God that come to me each and everyday? Do I see the impossible in the eyes of many possible in my life? Do my life preach the message of the good news with my life? Which voice am I? Lord Jesus Christ, help us to believe the words you speak to us on our lives. Mother of my Lord, pray for us sinners to have faith in God. Virgo Maria... Amen.

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