Celebrando la vida ESP// ENG


隆Saludos, queridos amigos! Espero que hayan tenido un bonito fin de semana. Me gustar铆a en esta ocasi贸n, compartir con todos ustedes la celebraci贸n que le hicimos en casa a mi mam谩 por su cumplea帽os.

Este viernes 08 de septiembre mi mam谩 Natividad, cumpli贸 63 a帽os de edad y quise hacerle algo sencillo para compartir juntos en familia. Mi mami siempre est谩 pendiente de tener un detalle con todos aqu铆 en la casa cuando cumplimos a帽os, y es por eso, que mi pap谩 y yo decidimos para ese d铆a realizarle un delicioso quesillo, comprar una pizza y hacer una noche de cine en casa.

Para desayunar, le hice unos pastelitos rellenos de pollo y queso crema, acompa帽ados de un jugo de lechosa y para almorzar, prepar茅 una pasta con pollo para consentir a la cumplea帽era.

Luego nos fuimos a la peluquer铆a para que se secara el cabello y se pusiera guapa jeje. Corri贸 con la mala suerte que en la peluquer铆a se fue la luz y yo me qued茅 sin bater铆a en mi tel茅fono para tomarle foticos. La luz tard贸 en llegar, pero se logr贸 cumplir el objetivo de que su cabello quedara arreglado y ella se sintiera bien, atendida y bonita.

En la noche prepar茅 todo para ver la pel铆cula. Hice cotufas, orden茅 todo en el cuarto para que estuvieramos c贸modos y disfrutar la noche de cine.

Nosotros somos 3: mi mam谩, mi pap谩 y yo. Cada vez que hacemos algo en la casa, tenemos la compa帽铆a de mi t铆a Lucky y mi primo Kenay, as铆 que ellos tambi茅n estuvieron con nosotros y los perritos que de igual manera son parte de la familia, celebrando el cumplea帽os de mi mam谩.

Con todo listo, solo faltaba ir a buscar la pizza y nos dirigimos a un local en donde preparan pizzas muy ricas. Mientras esper谩bamos nuestra orden, aprovech茅 para tomarle unas fotos a mi mami en el local.

Ya en casa, nos reunimos en la sala para cantarle cumplea帽os a mi mam谩 y disfrutar de una rica cena con pizza, quesillo y terminar viendo pel铆culas comiendo cotufas jejeje. Fue tremendo banquete jejeje. Todos quedamos full, pero pasamos un d铆a bonito y lleno de amor.

Me alegra mucho ver a mi mam谩 feliz, compartiendo un rato con sus seres queridos. Amo a mi mam谩 con todo mi coraz贸n y agradezco por tenerla. Le pido a Dios que siempre la llene de mucha salud y me permita brindarle una calidad de vida en estos a帽os, hasta que 茅l decida tenerla en este plano terrenal.

La negrita disfrut贸 su cumplea帽os y la paso bien ch茅vere.


Greetings, dear friends! I hope you had a nice weekend. On this occasion, I would like to share with all of you the celebration we had at home for my mother for her birthday.

This Friday, September 8, my mother Natividad turned 63 years old and I wanted to do something simple for her to share together as a family. My mom is always looking forward to having a detail with everyone here in the house when we have a birthday, and that is why my dad and I decided for that day to make her a delicious cheese, buy a pizza and have a movie night at home.

For breakfast, I made some pastries filled with chicken and cream cheese, accompanied by a lechesa juice, and for lunch, I prepared a pasta with chicken to pamper the birthday girl.

Then we went to the hairdresser so she could dry her hair and make herself look pretty hehe. As luck would have it, the power went out at the hair salon and I ran out of battery on my phone to take photos. The light took a while to arrive, but the goal of her hair being tidy and her feeling good, cared for and pretty was achieved.

At night I prepared everything to watch the movie. I made cotufas, I organized everything in the room so that we would be comfortable and enjoy the movie night.

There are 3 of us: my mom, my dad and me. Every time we do something at home, we have the company of my aunt Lucky and my cousin Kenay, so they were also with us and the dogs who are also part of the family, celebrating my mother's birthday.

With everything ready, we just needed to go get the pizza and we headed to a place where they prepare very delicious pizzas. While we were waiting for our order, I took the opportunity to take some photos of my mom in the store.

Once at home, we met in the living room to sing birthday to my mom and enjoy a delicious dinner with pizza, cheese and end up watching movies while eating cotufas hehehe. It was a tremendous banquet hehehe. We were all full, but we had a beautiful day full of love.

I am very happy to see my mother happy, sharing time with her loved ones. I love my mom with all my heart and I am grateful for having her. I ask God to always fill her with great health and allow me to provide her with a quality of life in these years, until he decides to have her on this earthly plane.

The black girl enjoyed her birthday and had a great time.

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Fotos/ Photos: @valeryb
Banners: Canva
Traducci贸n/ Translator: deepl

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