food travel with family

Hello friends in Family & Friends Community.
My son, Rais, had a fever for several days and was forced to not go to school because of the fever. I told him if he had to fight the pain by eating and drinking what I had provided, Rais really sucks at eating, he often snacked. Even though he was snacking on healthy snacks and fruit, it didn't seem like enough for his growth, because of that Rais had a fever. I promised to take him on an excursion when he recovered. Today Rais has recovered and is starting to go to school, after school he collects an appointment and invites me to eat at the cafe we ​​usually go to.


Rais's two brothers also came together, we as a family always went together, especially when we ate at the cafe, I felt calm when everyone went to have fun as a family, even though it was just enjoying a simple meal at the cafe, but everyone was happy. if someone is left at home, there will definitely be sad and disappointed. This is what family is for, hard and happy we always live together


At first he didn't want to eat, but I told him when he finished his food I would give him his favorite chocolate drink, he also devoured the food I had ordered for him, nasi urap. This menu consists of warm white rice with fried tempeh, vegetable urap and chili paste.



After he finished his food, I ordered a glass of hot chocolate for him, Rais was very happy, he enjoyed his chocolate drink and finished it immediately.



I ordered my favorite menu which is chicken noodle, the chicken noodle here has a special taste, the sauce is very thick and the noodle taste is chewy because it is cooked at the right time. I chose the addition of boiled eggs to complement the taste of the chicken noodles, for me this is the right combination of flavors, the savory noodles, the spicy sauce and the slightly sweet addition of the stewed eggs, perfect


My eldest son, Hasby is very happy to be able to eat with his family, he said may God give us good sustenance, so we can visit this cafe again. Hasby's favorite menu is village fried rice, he always orders this menu when he's in a cafe.


I am happy because our lives are harmonious and take care of each other. This is something that sounds trivial but this is the purpose of my life, to be happy in a simple way. Although we only enjoy simple dishes, but the real goal is not about what we eat, but how do we feel, are all happy and having fun today?



After we finished eating, we left the cafe. Right in front of the cafe exit there is "odong odong" which is a children's toy in the form of a motorbike or car but is run by an "odong odong" handyman by pedaling like a bicycle. But this "odong odong" is run by machine. I offered Rais to play "odong odong" but he refused, because he felt that he had grown up. Time is running faster now, it doesn't feel like Rais is in 2nd grade of Elementary School, even though I still remember clearly when I taught Rais how to walk.



That's the story of our journey tonight. Thank you for reading my post.

Best Regards

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