I’m back

Hi! My name is Amari I am now 13 years old, I used to make a lot of videos on steem and a little bit on hive with my brother, but that was mainly with my dads help @buttcoins. Now I want to start posting for my self! If anyone knows good places or communities for kid content please lmk!

This is me at polo! I started doing polo about a month and a half ago! Who would have known I would find my new favorite sport! I love polo because I get to be with my friends amd most importantly, on a horse! I will talk more about polo on another post!

This is me doing silks! Another one of my favorite things to do! Silks is really fun because you get to be in the air and it feels like your flying! You can learn fun drops, flips, climbs and etc! If you are looking for a sport that jeeds strength but is also fun and simple try silks! I can almost guarantee you that you will like it! I will talk about silks and polo in other posts since I want to save some things to talk about later!! 🤣 bye ❤️🫶

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