From blonde to brown! From walker to skater! ❤️❤️❤️

Hey guys, I’m so sorry that I haven’t been posting a lot. I came to England to visit my family and friends with my mom and my brother. My dad is coming to meet us soon but for now he’s still in Guatemala.
Yesterday we went to this really cool waterpark thing for my brother’s 11th birthday! I recently got into skating because near us we have a really nice ice rink!!! I did a five day course and got to level five I just started a new five day course and I’m still sadly on level five, level five is really hard because it is all going backwards and in a circle and that is training in new muscle that we never use while walkin. I got myself a pair of ice skates so that I don’t need to use the rent ones and they are really nice!

I also dyed my hair from blonde to brown. My natural hair color is brown but around two years ago I decided to bleach my hair blonde, and I have been bleaching it ever since so it is a really big change! I’m still sort of getting used to it but I think I like the brown a little bit more, my hair is definitely much healthier now that it’s dyed Back to brown and it also looks nicer because when I had had it blonde it had grown so all the roots were showing and it did not look that good like having a brown and blonde mix so I’m happy I died a back brown but I sort of miss the blonde!

Now that I dyed it brown, I feel like I look more like how I did when I was younger

After the end of this week, five day course, I am going to start doing private classes because we are not going to be in England for much longer and I want to get the most of my classes.
My brother also started doing the five day course and I think he is enjoying it just as much as I did! We have done four days of the course and he is on level three, after we leave England, we are going to Croatia for the #hivefest!!! And after that, we will be traveling around Europe I think for a little bit of time and from there we are flying to Morocco we will be in Morocco for around 5 to 6 months. Hopefully that is what we are aiming for. Once we get there, I am hoping to get my braces because we will be there for long enough to get them stable so I hope that we do manage to get to Morocco and be there for a good amount of time! If we end up liking Morocco a lot, then we might eventually move there so that’s exciting!
I hope I remember to post more often and I’m sorry I didn’t post for a while! If I do forget to post, please forgive me 🙏, JKJK
Well, that’s all for today. Hopefully I will write with you guys soon. Well see some of you guys soon!! #roadtohivefest!!

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