An unending love. Happy mothers day

Hello everyone, it is a new week already and we all know what today represents internationally, which is International mothers day. It is a day that is set aside to specially celebrate all mothers around the world.

Mothers have a wonderful role to play in the life of their children and others,truth be told mothers are the sole reason for any reasonable child that is physically and mentally fit.

I still thank God for the kind of mum I have,she is a rare gold and a lifetime guardian of me and my brothers,the investment she has invested in our lives has grown wide and can't be hidden so this post is for my mum in person.

Earlier this morning I called her and was wishing her a happy mother's day and one the best thing I told her was that “mum I celebrate you today as a mother,you shall eat the fruit of your labor “ saying this words of assurance to her that however it may be now that it will only get better soon I could just imagine the smile on her face.

Shout-out to all the mothers around the globe my respect for you people is second to none, however we wish to celebrate these lovely souls please let's do it,either by calling,texting,sending gifts,and many more as a token of appreciation.

Anyways there are also good mothers that understand their responsibility which the make sure the implement it perfectly


Patience:mothers posses this quality,it takes patience be pregnant for 9 month after which she give birth and still breed the baby to a certain stage in life.they can be very enduring just to make sure that the children are good and fine. This particularly my mom she can be very patience when she is in any trouble and can never start a fight just to protect the children,so while growing up this quality of patience was pass down from my mother to me which I can say has saved me in some critical cases.

LOVE; the is more to love than feed the children,when a mother posses the quality of love it stands as an assurance of protection to the child,the child automatically have deeper sense of belonging and knows nothing can hurt him

And fo you also know that “care” that's love boost respect for the parent. A child that is not cared for is likely to misbehave in the area of respect.

SHE MUST BE A ROLE MODEL;to be a good mother she has to posses the this quality which is very important in almost every aspect of her children especially the female child.being a role model can be a bit tough knowing very well that what ever you do reflects to your children,that's mother are very mindful of their words and actions around their kids because you everything she does communicate positively or negatively to the child. Well my mom already is a Christian and she teaches us what she does,her life was able to influence mine even as I no longer live with her,her words of advice helps me till today and I'm very grateful for having her as a life partner.

Also thanks @may inleo initiatives for adding this to the daily prompt to write about.

I'm @sylvasticks

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