Finding Family in Unexpected Places

Namaste hivers,

I'm new here in this community and will discuss about a different family cum friend which we rarely acknowledge is neighbors.

Neighbors are basically sort of family which is always there thru thick and thru thin and it's really important that we get good neighbors as they influence our life if involved and if not involved that is a nightmare as not all of us are living with family and nowadays every family is nuclear that makes neighbors the extended family.

My neighbors are a blessing is my life as I live 2000 miles away from them and I've not everytime acknowledged this but they're a blessing. Brutally honest people, and they consist of every possible quality which I would like to acquire in my lifetime.

Not just the motivating type, they're lighthearted too, I could never stop laughing when with them. They're a parent to a 16 year old kid but I never feared that my opinions would be judged considering the age gap and difference in opinion because of the generational gap also the background is completely different from each other.

Apart from every difference we do make a good family and it's cherishable here. If I start counting the number of days or the number of meals or the number of counseling they provided me and my partner with, I could go days and days. We do have difference in opinion and it's tough to get along considering that, but there's a common ground where everyone of us believes that evolution is important and one can never be too rigid about anything.

"Species can change over time, that new species come from pre-existing species, and that all species share a common ancestor" this was said by Charles Darwin in his Theory of Evolution and I studied this in 8th grade, this is applicable to everything and mantra for life.

One last thing, my neighbors introduced me to hive and they're @Himalayanwomb and @saranegi

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