It's Fun Sunday: Visiting Mom and a Date at Home over a Savory and Creamy Filipino Chicken Macaroni Soup


A date over savory and creamy pasta is the best, even at home, because aside from the fact that you get to eat delicious food, you also get to eat it with your loved ones. What do you prefer? A date outside or a date at home? You know, like cooking together your own food, it's like a little bonding and a date of some sort. And by doing it at home, you don't need to spend a thousand to eat out. Although it's more fun to some, but for me, I'd rather do it at home. How about you?


It's a perfect day to start the day.

So, Mommy D is still living with her sister after undergoing a lens implant on November 27. There's a lot of things she can't do yet, that's why she's staying with her sister. She left the store to us, and we're still managing it today. And you know how tiring managing a store is, even though it is a small store, she can still get tired of it.

Mommy F already missed Mommy F, that's why last week, Saturday night, she planned to visit Mom at their house, and Mommy F informed me about it. I don't want to be a spoilsport, so I agreed to it happily. Even though they talk on the phone, Mommy F can't help but miss her. Well, I also know that she really just wants to take that day as a rest day, and I love "rest day," so I'm in for it.

Sunday, we already planned this beforehand. I even listed those things we need that we will bring with us to Mommy D. We also bought one and a half kilos of chicken for lunch and snacks later that day. You know, Mom has this habit of bringing something so that we won't inconvenience them by preparing food for us. At least, Mom provides ingredients too (≧▽≦). So we went to the market early, at 6:50 a.m., after having our breakfast. We planned to go visit Mommy D that early so we could stay there for more hours. It's a good thing, though, that the market is already open.

So after some preparation, here we are now waiting for a transportation vehicle. Look at the perfect weather, it's kind of hot but bearable. And we are having our bonding time indoors anyway, so it's okay no matter how much the sun blows it's power heat, lol. And while we're here waiting for a car, I can't help but check out this thrift shop here. Look at those pretty dresses. If only I wore a dress, I'd get even one of those things. Sadly, I don't do dresses and skirts, lol.


Just look at my outfit today, lol. A simple black shirt and this short, lol. And yeah, we are finally inside that forland after 5 minutes. I am carrying all the things we need and just putting them on the ground. There's only two passengers inside, aside from us, I guess some people still choose to stay indoor than go travel outside even though it's the weekend. Or maybe we are just early, that's why there's not much passenger yet.

After 20 minutes of travel, we've finally arrived. And look how welcome we are to these doggos! To the point of barking nonstop. And look at the other one, it was as if he wanted to eat me alive, this Bukyo, lol. But I call him Bukayo, haha.

We just greeted each other while sitting pretty on the terrace. What I love in here is that the wind still gets inside, so even if it's hot, the wind blowing into this spot is just saving us from the heatstroke, haha. And the chitchatting started. It starts with a sharing of how Mommy D felt after the implant. I can tell how happy she was just by looking at her face. And even though it's really expensive, it's all worth it because that lens implant is for a lifetime, they said. On this part, I can't help but say that I also want a lens implant for myself.

They are not yet finished talking, and I suddenly feel too lazy to talk. So what I did was go to the backside of the house, where Aunt Velyn Garden is located. My plan was just to look around and enjoy my own company, lol. I really enjoy my own company so much that some people might think I am a loner, lol, but well, they are not wrong with that, haha.

I didn't do much here, but I just walked around and enjoyed this kind of view. And am I the only one who enjoys being alone in one place? I feel content just being here, I feel more alive than when I'm surrounded by a lot of people. With me here, alone, I can be just whatever. I can pick my nose without anyone giving me a second look, lol. Just wants to add that, lol.

And seriously, I'm not completely alone here, I have company, actually. I can pet her, but I think she has a trust issue and will walk away from me. She's not used to hooman, I think. Well, it's understandable because they don't really go outside. Aunt Velyn has a gate too, they are homebodies (≧▽≦). They have their own space at the back of the house. I am talking to her too while taming her, but I couldn't get much of her attention. I really tried, lol. When I saw that I could never tame her, I just moved on and started to look around again.

Then I saw this banana leaf, particularly that thing at the tip of it. I remember that we have a lot of banana trees in our old house, and whenever I can see one of them, I will get one and make a bracelet or necklace out of it. Just what you see in the photo, haha. I'm not sure who gave me the idea of doing that, but I think it's also from the adult. Inside of that thing is like a thread, a hard version of spider web, lol. I'm not really sure what it means. Seeing this makes me feel so nostalgic that I can't help but try making it again. And look at that, it's a success. You just really need to be careful with that, ehe.

I am very satisfied with that short walk! After that, I decided to go back to the terrace. Not long after that, Aunt Velyn called me, saying I should help myself and get a chicken macaroni soup. Of course, I don't say no to blessings like that. It's already 10:30 am, so it's just the right time to eat it.

Tadaaaaaaaan! Beautiful (✯ᴗ✯). That's our savory and creamy Filipino chicken soup, it has a lot of vegetables too, which fit perfectly with the soup. I actually finish this all, then with a big bun. Seriously, I missed eating this. It is so flavorful. This is just perfect for me, the best. Some macaroni soup doesn't satisfy me that much because my mouth is looking for something else. I also want the pasta to be softer than the normal one, I just like the texture of it, you know.

Here's a picture of us savoring the macaroni soup. It is really good, I tell you.

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