My closest friends got married. Was I left behind?

Hello amazing people in this wonderful community! I hope everyone is doing and feeling great today.

For this blog, I will be sharing how I handled things when my two closest friends got married. I will also be sharing my thoughts to those ladies like me who are in their waiting season.



Since we are an inseparable trio, I will try to provide answers to the following questions:

When they got married, were you left behind?

Did you ever feel jealous of how life turns out for them? Do you think life has been unfair to you?

Are you ready for the changes in your friendship now that they have settled down?

And the resonating question that everyone has asked me,

How about you? When are you getting married?

Before getting into details, I will share how our friendship started.


We're living in one barangay (village) but in different sitios (a cluster of households that make up a barangay). We are not the typical neighborhood friends but we grew up sharing the same likes, passion, and even dreams.

We've known each other in the church. If there is something that we have in common, it is our undying service to the Lord and His people. Also, that is the foundation of our friendship. From being a choir member to being a summer catechist, to becoming a lector and a psalmist - we all did that together. We were called the TRIO. There's never any church activity in which the three of us did not participate. From then on, we know our friendship will last.




Ate is a goal-driven person. She has her timeline for her goals and she is obsessed with studying. At the age of 27, she already gained her Doctoral Degree.


Our youngest is always the listener in our group. She pays attention to her ate's perspective on things. She is the youngest so we must protect her at all costs.


In our trio, I am the one who always talks about love. I am vocal when it comes to crushes, love, and relationship. So they think, I will be the one to get married first. (Yeah, it was funny how things turned out! Hehehe. )



Years passed by and we both graduated college and landed on stable jobs. Inevitable as it is, we also talked about our plans of settling down. We talked about how our sons and daughters will find true friends in each other as much as their mothers do. Hahaha. I was sure of how things would turn out to be but I guess, life has a different surprise for me.


Cute, isn't it?



I do not have a large number of friends. I prefer quality over quantity. I could not count on my fingers the real-est friends that I have. That is why, all this time, they are my constants.

How did I feel when my closest friends got married?

Ate got married in August 2021 while our youngest tied the knot in March 2022 while I - their maid of honor. I played the role so well that God could not think of any character that best suits me! Hahaha! (Always a bridesmaid but never a bride? Oh gosh!)



Ate's wedding




Our youngest's wedding

When I learned about their plans of settling down, I was more excited than them. My heart leaped with joy and excitement and I could not contain my happiness. I cried tears of joy and repeatedly, I was congratulating them.

I know that might sound safe, defensive, or maybe sugarcoated but to be honest, I did not feel like being left behind like how someone in my position supposedly feels. In silence, I carefully examined and assessed myself if this is still normal, am I in denial or maybe the idea hasn't sunk in yet.

Why do I feel not bothered at all?

My soul isn't bothered at all. It is still in peace. In my heart, I am assured that even if they will be starting a new page in their lives, I will always be part of it. There is no escape from me. Hehehe. I will never be a headache to their husbands; they are my good friends too. I felt secure with the kind of friendship that we have. Yes, it's true that sooner, things will change. We will not hang out that much or if we will, they will always have their plus one but I can do that too. Hahaha, Who knows? I know you know what I mean.



I set myself up for whatever changes may come. I am always grateful for them for they did not allow the jealousy in me to prosper. I am not feeling like I was left behind. I feel like they also carry me, and include me in their new journey of life. I don't know if I made sense explaining this but that's how they made me feel. That's how our friendship made me feel. They showed me that I am always secured, included, and never a burden to their new path.


Seeing them finally living their own life with the person they truly love makes my heart grow fonder. That is also my dream and my consistent prayer for them. They deserve the purest love from the person they choose to spend their lives with. I will always be their maid, hahaha, to serve and offer them my loyalty. I was, am, and will always be cheering and rooting for them while I am waiting for my turn.




Friends are our extended family. They will always have a space and a home in our hearts, no matter where our feet take us to. With the friendship that we have, I know I will never be alone.

One of these days, it will be my turn to walk down that aisle while shouting, "Stop the wedding!" Hahahaha! But seriously, it will be my turn someday, in God's perfect time.


To the ladies who are in their season of waiting,

Let's make our waiting productive. Let's continue discovering our hidden potential, improving our talents, and investing in ourselves. To wait for God's timing is a way of entrusting Him things and circumstances beyond our control. Soon, our hearts will be rewarded for the patience we extended and for the waiting we had to endure!✨


Thank you so much for reading this far. I pray that everyone is safe and well. Until the next writing.

(Some photos were Fb tagged on me.)

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