How do we make our friendship strong and lasting?


It has always been my heart's delight every time my closest friends and I randomly decide on a meet-up! We have been friends for the longest time I know. Maybe I could tell how our friendship started in another blog. For now, I want to share how we spent our weekend, dating with the Lord and with each other.


This photo was taken by my friend.

It has always been our tradition to set time to hang out and visit churches as a way of keeping our friendship strong, not to mention our every Sunday church service. (We are both choir members, lectors, and cantors.) No matter how busy we get with work and our personal life, we see to it that we always have time, just the three of us and the Lord. I guess this makes our friendship strong and lasting.


We booked a vehicle to help us reach our various destinations. We went to the following churches, prayed the rosary, and said our silent prayers.

St. Martin de Porres Parish -Ilihan, Tabogon, Cebu

When we got there, we immediately bought some candles and then lit them up. After, we proceeded to the seats near the altar, kneeled, recited the rosary, and meditated in silence for a couple of minutes.

Holy Family of Nazareth Parish -Lapaz, Bogo City, Cebu.


We followed the same process. We took candid photos of its facade and doorstep and left the church with a lighter heart.

Our Lady of Miraculous Medal - Bogo City, Cebu

(not a church but a go-to destination of Marian devotees). This is our haven.


After praying, we stayed longer here and we were able to talk about life. We shared the same sentiments as we are both public teachers. We got to talk about the stresses, the major setbacks we had to battle with, the hardest decisions we had to make, and the biggest steps we had to take. It was a nice feeling talking about things like these.
What made it extraordinary is we are not just sharing it with ourselves, we let Someone up there hear what we can't say and listen to what our heart speaks about.

Archdiocesan Shrine of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish - Bogo City, Cebu.

After doing the routine, we eagerly took photos and left for the next venue to visit.

Sto. Nino Parish Quasi Parish - Nailon, Bogo City, Cebu.


It was our first time going here. The church, more like a chapel, with its simple structure that emphasizes humility, wowed us. It showed us a slice of reality that something doesn't have to be lavished to be beautiful. As they say, there is beauty in simplicity.

Virgen delos Remedios Parish - Odlot, Bogo City, Cebu.

For the countless time I have attended masses here, I am still in awe of everything. From the look and ambiance to the testaments of people of how God worked miraculously in their lives, my heart is flooded with great astonishment.


St. Isidore Labrador Parish - Pob., Tabogon, Cebu.

This was the last church we visited. After saying the rosary, we lit up a candle, stood in silence, and bowed for reflection.


After our date with the Lord, we also dated ourselves.
We had our super late lunch at 2:00 pm and savored the sumptuous food and drinks as we enjoyed each other's company. The How are you's, the exchange of experiences, and the solicitation and distribution of perspective on certain things - incomparable! The unlimited sharings, the laughter, the fun - indescribable!
There was never a dull moment when I am when these two. We were emotionally and spiritually recharged, indeed!

That's all for today. Thank you for reading. I hope everyone is safe and doing fine. Until the next writing.

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