Hoy Celebro Tu vida mami🎂🥳 || Today I Celebrate Your Life Mommy🎂🥳[Esp-Eng]



Hola amigos de #Familyandfriends espero se encuentren muy bien.. Por aca muy bien gracias a Dios, la semana va marchando bien, pero hoy sobretodo estoy muy feliz y agradecida, con Dios y con la vida porque mi Madre celebra un año mas de vida, ya son 49 primaveras con nosotros y yo no puedo estar mas agradecida con Dios de tenerla a mi lado💓💓

Hello friends of #Familyandfriends I hope you are very well... Here very well thank God, the week is going well, but today above all I am very happy and grateful, with God and with life because my mother celebrates another year of life, and 49 springs are already with us and I can not be more grateful to God to have her by my side💓💓


Mi mamá nos tuvo muy joven a mi hermano mayor y a mi, y a los largo de los años ha llevado una vida 100% dedicada a nosotros, al punto de que ella en su mente siente que es una señora de 80 jeje ella se cree vieja, o bueno se creia porque hace algunos años esto ha cambiado, y ella se viste, habla y actua de otra manera, ya no está tanto en casa, tiene mas amigas y eso a mi me gusta, porque no esta mal darlo todo por tu familia, pero olvidarte de ti ya eso no debe ser. mi mamá hoy a sus 49 años de edad tiene una actitud diferente ante la vida, y debo decirles que se ha visto bastante enferma y aun asi mantiene una mente positiva, le tocó aprenderlo a la fuerza, pero es que la palabra tiene poder, y mi mamá solia ser muy negativa, en la actualidad asiste mas a la iglesia aunque siempre ha sido muy creyente, pero estar con mas personas, salir de casa a actividades diferentes a las del hogar le ha ayudado sin duda💓

My mom had my older brother and me very young, and throughout the years she has led a life 100% dedicated to us, to the point that in her mind she feels that she is a lady of 80 hehe she thinks she is old, or well she thought she was because a few years ago this has changed, and she dresses, talks and acts differently, she is not so much at home, she has more friends and I like that, because it is not wrong to give everything for your family, but forgetting about you should not be. my mom today at 49 years of age has a different attitude towards life, and I must tell you that she has been quite sick and still maintains a positive mind, she had to learn it by force, but the word has power, and my mom splia be very negative, now she attends church more although she has always been a believer, but being with more people, leaving the house to activities other than home has helped her without a doubt💓


Mi mamá está Lejos de ser una mamá perfecta, pero para mi es la mejor, no voy a negar que antes la juzgaba demasiado, pero bastó que yo me convirtiera en madre tambien para entender muchas de las cosas que yo antes juzgaba!! Mi mamá sencillamente hizo lo mejor con lo poco que tenia y sabia y le agradezco cada dia de vida dedicado a mi y a mis hermanos💓💓

My mom is far from being a perfect mom, but for me she is the best, I will not deny that before I judged her too much, but it was enough that I became a mother too to understand many of the things that I judged before!!! My mom simply did the best with the little she had and knew and I thank her for every day of life dedicated to me and my siblings💓💓💓


Hoy que celebra su cumpleaños le pido a Dios que me la llene de salud, que pase su mano sanadora por su riñon y que pueda estar con nosotros celebrando 49 años mas💓

Today, as she celebrates her birthday, I ask God to fill her with health, to pass his healing hand through her kidney and that she can be with us celebrating 49 more years💓.



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