Hello Hives it's me again meyang I'm sorry if I'm not really active in this blog but i will continue doing blog so this time i will share the moment with my friends @meslyn , meslyn is kind and pretty girl. So this time i will share how we spent our time together

Mcdo for lunch
Before 2023 end it's December 31 , we talk that we want to go Bogo together so we agree and go there we arrive at 12:12 so we're going to lunch first and we go to mcdo to eat our lunch she's the one who ordered. While waiting of her I'm toke some photos of me

Me and the view
The view is nice and chilling there's not so many people because they must be busy buying some foods for upcoming newyear after done eating we go to Watsons shops to buy some perfume and soap.

We're having fun and talking nonsense , we just laughed and laughed we don't really care people around who talking behind our back we just take our time and enjoy it every moment.

Me and my friend
And this time we go to shopping in Metro we buy our first couple bracelet

Our first couple

This bracelet we keep and treasure it because it's our first couple.

Favorite drinks
and then after it , we go down to buy our favorite drinks she buy coke and i buy this chill drink with flavor of strawberries it's really cold and good it's give us chills and after it we walking around and buy anything she wants i just following her around because i don't really like buying some accessories while walking around we accidentally meet her mommy and tita , they're buying some foods for newyear her tita is just arrived from canada with her husband it's my first time to meet her mommy and tita I got nervous because her tita looks so much strickta but i got it wrong her tita is approachable and kind she's also funny. We ended hangout together with her tita and mommy with their husbands and daughters while we're hangout together i just found that her tita likes to joke around while her mommy is kind of silent person but she's also kind all i can say that it's ended a beautiful day with them 🤗

My friend meslyn
Then after done there we go in Mr DiY i took pictures of her but i got her permission to post it in Hive and she agreed , base on this picture meslyn really looks so happy and I'm glad she enjoy it with me she's cute hehe I'm older than her she's only 15 but her height isn't matching because she's tall😭 can't believe huhu

It's so funny because while I'm taking a picture the auntie approach me and talk to me she's said I'm Beautiful daw haha i don't know what to say I got speech I'm just giving her a shy smile haha and then she stare at me again and she said again "bisag naakay pimples dili gyud matago ang imong ka gwapa , gwapa gyud ikaw neng mura kag Japanese puti kasad kaayu " i didn't expect it i got blush and I'm just saying thankyou because she appreciates my beauty even we don't know each other thanks to her i have confidence of my self now.

That's give me a little lesson it's just a simple words but it's already overwhelming for me , that's right I'm full of insecurities because of this pimples but thanks to her i learned it even i have pimples I'm still beautiful in my own way I'm still shining and get more prettier in my own unique of beautiful ❤️.

Anyway after we done we go home because we already tired but I'm still go in there house because she wants me to stay there home for a while , i got bored and feel sleepy but i still took pictures haha

Out of boredom
i look like a potato here haha because of boredom i have this picture haha.

And then auntie thanks to your beautiful words i won't forget you thankyou for appreciation my beauty it's rare to find someone like you. I hope i can meet you again ❤️

This moment is great for me thanks to my friend meslyn who hanging out with me i have a great time with you and having fun , your still young but your mindsets got matured already. Thanks for your free time to hangout with me.

Then when it's already 3pm i said to her i have to go home because i need to help my mother for preparing our foods for newyear and we say goodbye each other.

And when i arrive at home no one's home yet maybe they're busy to buy some foods and fruits , while waiting for them I'm taking a nap because I'm ready tired walking around. And that's all for blog today thankyou for your time reading my blog more blogs to come i hope more reader to reads my blog , thankyouu soo much ❤️

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