[ESP/ENG] family recreation on an ice cream afternoon.


Un saludo cordial a todos mis amigos de family friend un gusto estar nuevamente junto a ustedes para compartir una agradable tarde de helados entre familia, este día decidí salir junto a mis hermanas y sobrinas a realizar un paseo y finalmente pasamos por McDonald's que no recuerda este lugar de niño de esta manera decidimos hacer una parada y disfrutar de unos ricos helados.

A cordial greeting to all my family friend friends, it's a pleasure to be with you again to share a pleasant afternoon of ice cream with the family. This day I decided to go out with my sisters and nieces for a walk and finally we passed by McDonald's, which I don't remember this place as a child, this way we decided to make a stop and enjoy some delicious ice cream.

Las tardes son maravillosas para salir de paseo durante estos días aprovechamos de esperar a una de mis hermanas quien estaba en su lugar de trabajo y al salir se reunió junto a nosotras un momento para compartir y disfrutar los ricos sabores de los helados además pasar tiempo de calidad juntos, poder reunirme con mis hermanas es gratificante ya que valoro cada instante junto a ellas disfrutando de nuestra compañía pues ya no somos unas niñas hemos crecido y estar juntos es maravilloso, Por eso quiero compartir con ustedes estas fotografías de momentos que serán especiales para mí.

The afternoons are wonderful for going out for a walk. During these days we took advantage of waiting for one of my sisters who was at her workplace and when we left she met with us for a moment to share and enjoy the delicious flavors of the ice creams as well as spend time quality together, being able to meet with my sisters is gratifying since I value every moment with them enjoying our company because we are no longer girls, we have grown up and being together is wonderful. That is why I want to share with you these photographs of moments that will be special for my.

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