Seaventures: A Get-Together at Ma Benita Beach Resort

"Venturing the seas would bring enjoyment much more if one is with great companions"

Good day Hiverss! We've got here another day and so I'd like to share a truly one of the memorable experiences that I had in my life ( wow, what an exaggeration) kidding aside, what I'm about to share with you all is one of my experiences wherein I did not seriously expect to happen. This memory happened on the month of June while and my classmates I were still busy getting our clearances cleared, it occurred to us that maybe we should go to the sea for some bonding and at that time, we were still exhausted from everything that related to school work. We even got our Adviser to join us hoping that maybe she could donate tons of food that would also serve as her way of congratulating us on finishing our school year without any mishaps so we did plan to take the whole class into this but others said that they already had a prior engagement on the said date while some just lack the means to go. It didn't even take a week and that's why everyone seemed to be hesitant.

We only plan to have a simple gathering what truly matters is that we can have fun and create some memories with our classmates, I was so excited at that time since I really am fond of the sea and I also want to reward myself for surviving this whole school year and my consolation was that this kind of outing only happens once in a blue moon that why I should try my best to be able to be part of it. The location that's been decided is within my municipality that's why it won't be too far for me, it's also convenient how I could just go there by tricycle and the ride only takes for a couple of minutes.

The place that we're supposed to stay is at Pertz Beach Cove but then it is already rented out for a family reunion and so one of the crew suggested that we should just go to the other part of the resort for is also perfect in a small gatherings just like ours, well the beach cove has been known because many people booked for it mostly for special occasions just as weddings receptions and reunions. It has a huge area and also has many amenities to offer and its venue is capable of catering for maybe a hundred people or more. I like this area because of its wonderful view, we've got a peek at it since the other side that we're in are only so close to this place.

The one that the crew suggested to us was the Ma Benita Beach Lagoon. I've heard of this name but I've never really been able to explore the place so might as well grab the opportunity and go around see new places. I heard it's a well-known lagoon among Borbonanons,a famous to visit for various occasions. They have an entrance fee for every age range: for children, it is 10 Php (0.17$), for adults 20 Php (0.35$), 100 Php (1.73$)for the cottage, 20 Php (0.35$)for the motorcycle, 50 for a car and 1000 Php (17.34$)for an Overnight Stay.

It provides good services and the crew is so hospitable and always ready to cater to all our needs may it be tools or the place that we can stay. I like the patience that the crew had given us and the whole place was amazing as well it even has a tree that will protect from being directly scorched by the sunlight. It also had a lot of places to have a dive but one should always be careful for the place is most likely surrounded by rocks and a mistake could leave someone with a wound.

The whole group arrived around 10 am and we've decided to prepare all the foods so that we would have something to eat for lunch.

We've decided to have a boodle fight since it would be convenient for all of us, our food was grilled meat and fish we even have Kilawin ( raw fish dish) watermelon, bananas and also soft drinks, we only have simple foods and yet I feel so full for we had fun talking while eating, we've got to know each other more and we even manage to crack jokes at one another.

We took some pictures before and after eating for a remembrance of the venue and so that later on we finally go swimming in the sea.

This place had a lot of wonderful views. It even has a rock formation that's been so tempting to climb up and do some diving but I held myself back because I think it is dangerous and I don't want to bring trouble to my friends maybe if I were to go back here then I'd gladly do some diving.

Luckily, it was high tide at that time that's why swimming had become more enjoyable even though it's quite dangerous because of many rock formations, my classmates even played mini volleyball game but then sadly we didn't get to capture that moment since we are all busy.

I even forgot that I still had a fever at that time that's why I was reckless and yeah I did swim. Some of my classmates jokingly said that maybe my fever would be gone if I got a dose of Vitamin Sea, it was effective somehow, I felt energized and didn't feel sick at all while I was at the sea. It was a day that I thought would remain a drawing and yet it turns out to be one of the most enjoyable experiences that I ever had.

For the last part,we decided to take one last picture atop the resort's highest view after we finished swimming and changing clothes at that place we are able to look at the surrounding beach cove clearly.

I hope that you've enjoyed reading my blog, Sayoñara! Don't forget to treat yourself well once in a while, Have a great day ahead!

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