Spending time at Home with my cute nephews.

After a long day at work, enduring the stress in the workplace, and in the life of a daily commuter, Saturday is my favorite day of the week. This means I don't need to wake up as early as five in the morning. I could stay late on Friday and sleep or lay on the bed as much as I wanted. Somehow this is one of the benefits of living alone. However, there are times as much as I wanted to stay in my room, I couldn't. That is when I am in our house and not in our dorm in the city. My husband already returned to Taiwan, so I had no one to buy and cook my food. Leaving me with no choice but to wake up not that late and go to the nearest market.

It only took less than an hour, and when I came back, I started cleaning as I was away for almost two weeks. Yet, before I finish, here come the kids (husband's nephews) running as if racing who will enter the house first!

Every time I am home, I feel like a mother of three energetic kids! Since they are all boys, as expected, they are naughty and often have kids fight. I even caught them once having wrestling; two were fighting, and the other served as the referee.

They brought toys like blocks, guns, and cars and started to scatter everything in the living room.

I was there, lying on the couch, scrolling my phone while listening to their laughing, squealing, bullying each other, and having some funny conversations.


Truly, as they say, do not expect the house to be tidy if kids are running around. I just finished cleaning but see what happened 😁. Am I mad, then? Nope, I understand and just let them enjoy but I set house rules. After playing, they should clean their mess and put the toys back in an eco bag, and fighting is not allowed. Failure to do so, I will chat with their moms to pick them up. Quite fair, right? I love babies, kids, and a spoiler kind of Tita/Auntie, yet I make sure to have limitations and boundaries.

Somehow, they obey, but what do they expect from a kid? They tend to forget occasionally, so I have to remind them again.


As a kid, we always wanted to play with a toy(s) that are playmates had. Can you relate? There are still cars and guns, but these three settle themselves with these miniature trains..

Speaking of getting mad, how can I? They are so cute in my eyes, and I wanted to pinch their checks!


The other nephew wanted to talk with the husband, so I haven't had a choice but to leave them. He was eating dragon fruits along with his cousins but took my phone 🤣.


See the naughty faces? Yet, having this three makes my day as the house become lively. Kids bring so much joy and though they drain my energy at times as I cater their demands still I felt happy. They are actually a test ion how good I am in negotiating and bribing, lol. Aside from, they are husband's nephews so I considered them as nephew too. We are family one of the reason I have so much patience for them.

How about you, enjoying weekend at your end?

Lead image was edited using Canva
All photos are mine
Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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