She's now my LEGAL WIFE. Presenting our intimate Civil Wedding.

At last! We are now one and I can tell to the world that she's my wife without hearing from other people that we're not yet married and I don't have yet the right.

They said, wedding needs bundle of money to succeed. They said, we need more money to have a good wedding. Who would not wish for a grand wedding to be given to the bride. Every woman wish to wear fancy gowns like a princess and grand wedding. and I am one of those groom who wants to give our bride the best. But my wife seems different. Before, she's telling me everytime I tell her I'll marry her that she'll only want a simple wedding surrounded by those people who truly loved us. We planned for a civil wedding first before we do the church wedding. Actually, it's her first plan as I want to have a wedding in church. But because of our financial situation now, we decided to have a civil wedding where we can only invite our families and close friends.

If only I've got an intact salary in my work, I can really give her the church wedding that I've been dreaming for her. But again, we need to be more practical and prioritize things which is more essential than feeding lots of people during the wedding. I'm just so glad and fortunate for having a woman like her because she didn't let me only shoulder the financial for the wedding. We used her salary in her substitute teaching last January and added to my little savings which we planned to be used for a piggery as a small business. But we decided to use it for now while the new open ranking was still not posted so that she can use my surname once the ranking started. Maybe, we can have a little business once she's hired. We're praying for that

So, what were the preparations and expenses we had for having our simple civil wedding?

Here's the list of our expenses on our civil wedding.
•Marriage Application - P560 or $10.5
•Cedula - P381 or $7
•Cenomar - P420 or $9
•Wedding Rings - P1,000 or $20

That are the first things that you need to have for a wedding. Now, we decided to have a DIY decorations only since my wife knows how to decorate and if we hire someone to decorate it will cost high, so pricey. So, we bought cloth for the back drop and flowers, better since we can have it after the celebration.
And for the food, we decided not to have a catering service but to order a food package only. Also, we bought kitchen utensils since we don't have enough plates and spoons. And of course, we bought for our clothes to wear during the wedding which were ukay-ukay.
So, here are the pricing of those mention above.
•Cloth(White,purple,green)-P1,500 or $30
•Flowers (backdrop) - P600 or $12
•Flowers (bouquet) - P250 or $5
•Utensils - P1,200 or $24
•Food Package - P5,000 or $100
•Cake- P1,500 or $30
•Wine - P305 or $6
•Soft drinks -P500 or $10
•Beer (for Ninongs and visitors) - P1,500
•Souvenirs - P750 or $15
•Karaoke Rental - P600 or $12
•Photographer - P1,000 or $20

Here are the pricing of our clothes that we wore during our wedding.
• Dress (Thrift)- P100 or $2
• Black Suit (Thrift) - P200 or $4
• Pants (Thrift) - P300 or $6
• Sandals - P490 or $9.5
• Shoes - P300 or $6
• Veil - P250 or $2.5

I forgot what else we had that day that our money were already gone by a snap, haha. This are the only things that I remembered we bought coz you know we can't really list all of it. Oh, I remembered that we also bought plywoods for the tables and double deck so that my in-laws have something to use during at night when they stay with us until our wedding day.

I mean, we only have P37,000 as our budget and it's not enough. But then, no matter what we still enjoyed the day and we are now legally married. We can still have the money we had use.
Our wedding may not be as fancy like others but it's a gem experience for us because this is the day that we can say we are MARRIED COUPLE.


Happenings on our wedding day.

Our wedding was supposedly on March 8 but it was moved on March 3 because the Mayor is not available this week because he have seminars. So, the day before our wedding, my wife and her friend helped each other to decorate our house. My wife's friend brought her husband also who lend a hand to them since I am also busy helping my father with making tables and chairs. My mother-in-law also was washing the utensils that will be use the next day and was cleaning the house. We were so busy that day that my wife didn't have enough sleep.





We arrived in the municipal hall around 8:30am. And started the wedding ceremony at 8:50am. It only took 10 minutes for the ceremony to be done. My wife is not looking at me the whole session because everytime she looked at my face she'll laugh which made the Mayor look at us like we were crazy. And we had our wedding full of laughter especially during the kiss the bride. I'm just happy to see the people around us laugh and clap with us as we wed. This is one of the special days in my life. My mom is not around but I know she's happy for me.

After the wedding ceremony, we went outside the municipal hall and we saw a rain shower. My mother-in-law and our Godmothers told us that it's a blessing for us from above and they kept telling us that soon we will have a wedding again but in the church. We then went to our house as our reception that day. And there, we had a simple eat together with families and close friends. Some of my wife's friends didn't able to come because they're working, so I decided to invite my co-workers. They were surprised knowing that we're married. Honestly, we didn't tell everyone about our wedding, only our families and close friends. It's my wife's plan actually. She really like to have a simple wedding. She said, she don't like to stress her self dealing with lots of people on our wedding day.

So, here's our photos on our wedding day.




















Thank you for reading my post today. I just like to share how happy I am that I'm now married to the woman who give light to me. Have a great day to all of us.

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