Simple celebration on the actual birthdate!

The day Jansen had been waiting for finally arrived!

I am 9 years old!

He came into my room to wake up in order to exclaim this, "Mummy, I am 9 years old finally!" He was so excited about it, I wondered did he sleep properly while waiting eagerly for the day? Nonetheless, most importantly, such proud moment to see him being so proud of himself.

He had come a long way, besides surviving the surgeries to fix his CDH, gradually weaned off pulmonary hypertension meds, and then gradually weaned off his bi-PAP breathing machine and from daily suctioning, from 100% tubefeeding to occasionally tube-feeding, we could not be prouder of him. Despite his small size at his age, 19.5kg and 117cm height, he is strong in his inner stature! Raising him up makes me a strong mom too. I literally could laugh at the storm and could see light in pitch darkness.

Anyway, what we did on that day?

We usually ate breakfast at home, so I asked him whether did he want any special breakfast? He couldn't think of one too. Then, I suggested McDonald's breakfast set! He immediately "Hooray!"

He loved his McOmelette set with hash brown and a cup of milo. We went with my close friend which was the one who had been with us during Jansen's early life when we had almost two hospital appointments in a week, not to mention three times suctioning at home, she was my main helper at home when I took care of Jansen. I am very grateful to this friend of mine. In fact, we purposely planned this trip to have her staying at our place for few days to spend time together because we miss her presence, such a kind and generous person. She loves my family, especially Jansen a lot. My husband was resting at home so he didn't join us, my eldest son was at school. This was indeed a special breakfast for Jansen and the special friend!

Then we went for a stroll at the park nearby McDonald, one of my favourite park called Taman Tasik Danao Kota.

In the evening, when my husband and mother-in-law were sending my friend back to her hometown, I went out to Inside Scoop ice cream to buy ice cream, as per request by Jansen as his cakes. We all loved ice cream more than cakes. So yup.... Ice creams birthday cakes! He specifically asked for durian ice-cream and Unicorn (yogurt-based) ice-cream.

At home, the boys could not wait to savour the ice cream, so we quickly set up a study table with the ice creams and cakes (cakes which I bought earlier in the morning from McDonald) to take some brothers birthday poses. Jansen adores his brother alot! They make such a good team at home. Always haha here and haha there. They light up the home every single day. Then, they had some time enjoying the ice cream. So, so, delicious!!!

Notice that I printed some Subway Surfers pictures and mounted it up on lollipop sticks. Ahhh, yes, Jansen loves to play Subway Surfers running game and he is really veryyyyy good at it. His eyes and hands' coordination were superb! I lose to him by a lot!!!

I bought 8 blue balloons too since he loves blue. He came up with the idea of blowing 9 balloons since it was his 9th birthday! Great idea, Jansen! I wrote "9th birthday" on the 9th-green balloon.

That was our simple birthday celebration on the day itself at home — 3rd July. Daddy could not join us because we had set it as the day we sent our friend home, she is not from Kuala Lumpur, so my husband and my mother-in-law together sent my friend home — one hour drive to reach her hometown. We want to continue to be thankful for every little things and to celebrate every achievement we have daily. We want to love our loved ones and to celebrate them too.

When you wake up the next day and keep going, give yourself a pat and said, "Hey me, the one and only precious one. You made it yesterday. Let's begin today with new grace and new strength from the Creator!"

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