It was just like yesterday when I met this beautiful girl, and today she is all grown up and smart and beautiful, inside and out, just like her parents. I remember my first visit to the family, how I was captivated by their inquisitiveness about everything around them. On May 31st, little Osadame had her birthday, and this little girl made sure to invite all those she loved and knew to her party, and I'm so happy to be among those who got an invite.

That day, we had our Bible study, and immediately after, we had a mini party by sharing cake with everyone, and for those who still had time, all roads led to the house for Dame's birthday. Dame was so excited to have everyone around her, and it was for a special purpose. In less than a few days, the whole family would be moving out of the country, and this has made everyone emotional lately, as that family has been a blessing to literally everyone who has spent time with them. I'm glad I got the privilege to know such an amazing family because they have impacted my life greatly.

I remember before I got admission into the university, I met the father, and he gave me some brilliant advice, and even though others had told me the same thing, and I refused, his approach was so different that I didn't even notice when I accepted the idea I had been rejecting, and I'm happy I took that advice. Today, I'm in the university, and it's partly thanks to that family and a bigger one behind them. We had so much fun together, celebrating little Dame, who is now 7 years old. She is one of the smartest kids I've seen, and knowing they are moving out of Nigeria, I can only imagine how much better she will become.

She is a very bright girl, and her younger sister is too. Seeing those girls, I can't help but admire and praise the kind of parents they have. Just seeing them alone makes me want to give my future children the best too. I arrived a bit late for the party, but I made sure to take a few pictures of the birthday girl and others who were present. I actually made some videos, but I'll have to share them another time since I need to edit them well. I took a picture of Dame's beautiful cake, and guess what? She refused to share her cake on her birthday because she wanted everyone to have a taste of it, so she brought it to church yesterday.

I felt really emotional hearing her say that, but little did I know that there was more. When it was time to cut her cake, she was asked what she would like to spell, and she said she wants to spell ”EVERYONE”. Like that was the most emotional part for me; I was overwhelmed by how she even thought of something like that. We did the spelling, and the cake was distributed to everyone! This has been one of the most lovely birthday parties I've attended in a while, and I feel so privileged to have gotten the opportunity to be there.

Yesterday was my last time seeing them, but I hope to cherish my last memories with them, and so I'm sharing this here. It's totally worth saving, and I hope to come back here and be reminded of such an amazing day. I want to say a happy belated birthday to little Dame, and I pray that God continues to guide and keep her and also pray she will continue to be favored wherever she finds herself. And also, for the whole family, I pray they will do exploits in their new location as they go.

The images used are mine

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