
And guess who is off the singles market? My big sister, though not related by blood but then there has never been a day she has never been a big sister to me till date. Well, even though she has changed her name, I hope that the relationship we've had until now will not grow cold but continue to wax stronger and stronger.

Today, she got married to the other best part of her and it was a day filled with so much emotions but most of those emotions were love and happiness. These two amazing people have one of the most beautiful love story ever and I hope that love never dies even as they continue to know each other even better now.

As they say, marriage is a beautiful thing when you find someone who truly sees you as the other half of him or herself and I hope that would be the case of these two fine people. Of course difficult times will emerge but I hope that they both will be able to overcome them together.

On the 5th of January 2024 they both took an oath to forever be one both in sickness and in health and it was all so beautiful to watch and be a witness to. I don't think I'd be able to forget the joy on their faces after that was done. It was like, "okay so after all of these searchings I found the one that makes me complete!".


I got so close to this beautiful lady because of her beautiful personality and every time I feel so grateful to God for letting our paths cross. I've always prayed to God to give her the one that she deserves and seeing that man next to her gives me a kind of strong assurance that she has found the best husband she could ever need.

I'm super happy for her even though I couldn't show it more than I did. She's thoughtful and so accommodating, her heart is always so welcoming to as many people as possible and I believe that's one thing that so many people struggle with. For that I earnestly pray and hope that she will have a beautiful married life and that she will never have a reason to think she made a wrong choice because she didn't.


In less than a year from today we hope to hear the good news of a child coming but that's left for God to decide and also for them to agree. I pray that as long as it's their wish to have children that God will bless them with beautiful and amazing children.

I had a stressful day but I totally think it was worth it and I won't mind to do the same ever again for her if the need arises. She deserves it and more! So please do help me wish my sister a happy married life and pray for them as much as you can, I'd really love that as I plan to share this with her ❤️🥰.

All Images used are taken and edited by me

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