Enjoying Our Favorite Foods At Home


Spending quality time with family is priceless. As we age, it has become a huge realization that no one else has always got our backs but our family.

As much as possible as much as going out with friends and other people, I tend to do it more often with family. It is essential to keep a strong bond among family members and keep a harmonious relationship.

One thing we love doing most is eating the foods we love. Indulging into dishes that would satisfy our taste buds.

But is it just me, or as I’ve grown old, whenever I crave for some foods I can eat in fancy restaurants, I opt to do it home-cooked. Because not only can we save a lot of money when eating at home, but also, you are fully aware of the ingredients you are using and the process of preparing the food.

My partner used to work as a cook in one of the biggest restaurants here in the Philippines, therefore, cooking for him is as easy as one, two, three and whenever we request foods to be cooked by him, he always go beyond our expectations.

Last night for our dinner, we decide to do barbeque at home. It was so much fun since we had quality time during the whole process of preparing everything until everything was ready.

First of all, we went to the wet market to buy the things we need for our dinner.



We passed by this section that sells fresh fishes and everything looks so tasty but we already had a thing in mind to buy, our favorite fish, ”Pakol” or the Starry Triggerfish.

The Starry Triggerfish or the ”pakol” in Cebuano language is one of our most favorite fishes to grill because the meat is tender and it just tastes so good.

We bought one piece of Starry Triggerfish with was a total of ₱350.00. The fish is quite costly but we eat it every once in a while as a reward for all our hardwork.

We also bought another type of fish which we plan on making a fish soup. It is always best to have meals which has soup dishes because it will really boost our appetite.



This is what the fish looks like up close and after we cleaned it, we then grilled it.

While cooking the grilled fish, we also cooked the fish soup inside.


After fifteen to twenty minutes of cooking, our dinner is finally ready and it’s time to eat.

I really enjoyed our dinner knowing that we really saved a lot eating this at home rather than going to fancy restaurants.



While having dinner, it was the perfect time for us to talk about the happenings the entire day. My son talked about how much fun he has outside with his friends meanwhile my partner talked about how life is at his work.

I believe that one thing that is very important is being able to talk to your family especially during dinner time because it is the time where everyone is gathered around and being able to share good food and share good company at the same time.

After having dinner, we went out to walk a bit and we went to the market where the “Maystar Pharmacy” is located , I needed to buy some shampoo and conditioner.


I bought one Bremod shampoo and one Bremod conditioner both for ₱170.00 each. I use this for my hair and it is what suits me best.

After buying the things I need, we then headed home to relax.

To good food and family! Ciao!☺︎♡

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